(no subject)

Mar 19, 2014 20:32

"Be careful driving, please! I need you alive." Texts I send Rick. He's currently driving to the Dallas, TX airport from the Paris plant. It's 3.5 hours away. Guh.

I miss him while he's away. On top of that, taking care of Walter and providing the attention he needs is really difficult. Imagine a puppy's energy x10. Walter needs constant attention, especially after being alone at home throughout the day while I'm at work (I come home for 30 minutes during lunch to feed him and let him outside). And since it's raining today, we couldn't  go to the dog park. So I am left with an energized, beautiful, loving puppy that annoys the shit out of me. I say that with as much love as possible. Because regardless of how bothersome and relentless he is, I still cannot get enough of him.

Here are some photos of Walter and me while he was calming the hell down.

I like when he occupies himself on the bed and doesn't step all over my legs and back in a futile attempt to get closer and meld with my body.

Some work outfits I have not had the opportunity to share:

This is an H&M dress that I bought about four years ago and has held up wonderfully. Surprise!

This is the most dressed down I have been on a Friday for work in a long time:

This week I have felt a bodily discomfort I cannot pinpoint. Something lingering very deep inside. I haven't felt this way in a long time. Usually my discomfort is easily identified (ie period, bloated, vertigo from fatigue, etc), but this feels like my dendrites are firing inside my legs and in my gut and on the tips of my fingers and toes. "Unsettled" is a good way to describe it. I'm unsettled. Work has been unsettling, yes. My lack of friend time has been unsettling (I've been more reclusive this month than not). The slight stagnancy of mine and Rick's relationship is unsettling (that's not to say I don't adore being around him and look forward to seeing him, but I feeeeel that onward nagging of an unresolved problem concerning no gain of communication, which I can't say we lost it, because I would debate that we never really had that solid foundation to begin with). The owner of this apartment complex suddenly saying Rick and I do not have permission to keep a dog here is VERY unsettling. We are now instructed to pay a $300.00 nonrefundable pet deposit, which is fine and commen but...why didn't the dumb realtor mention this when he showed us the place? He just said we could have a pet if we wanted one. Dumbass. Now the owner of the entire complex believes we were trying to pull the wool over his eyes, which just wasn't the case. I can't really think of anything else I feel particularly unsettled by. That list makes it seem so menial and ridiculous that I'm physically affected by any of this at all. But I am. And maybe it's other things that I cannot define?

I was nominated for an R&D award! I worked with 6 other people to get a bunch of formulas in our system, including all their documents and specifications. It was for a huge project that would bring in a lot of money. I am not even a part of that particular group, but used my expertise to complete the last leg of project, since they lacked the bandwidth at the time. It was very successful and I'm so proud of what we accomplished in a short period of time. Now a huge food store chain has purchased 20 of our products and we officially acquired a solid chunk of shelf space. I'm glad. Everyone was so stressed about it last September. It's nice to see it finally come to fruition. Anyway! I will find out if we won some time in April.

Also, I have my mid-year review with Judy this Friday. I hope she mentions a promotion. I hope hope hope. It's time!

Walter has finally calmed down and is lying in the corner of the bedroom. I need to use the bathroom but I know once I get out of bed he will follow me around and push into my legs. He's so soft and cute and wonderful, but dude...mom needs to use the bathroom. 
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