Great news! My sister is having her baby TO-DAY! She experienced some leaking and "stringy blood strands" last night and today. Also, her pelvis hurts a great deal, so my dad (who has been staying over in Ocean City, because Rick needs to work) took Paula to her doctor. The doctor confirmed that today is the day, however she must be induced (wah). The baby grew quite a bit, so maybe the induction is a result of the amniotic sac breaking and not having enough left for the baby to float around in. I don't know the details. I'm at work right now just waiting for the word to drive to the shore area. Should take me about an hour. But just because she is induced, doesn't mean she has the baby in the next few hours; could take a while. So we will see. The baby's due date was this upcoming week anyway, so good timing!
Bad news! I am moving to another part of the building by Friday. So no more massive window with natural light to get me through the work day. No more small office area with managers rarely sitting at their desks. No more sharing a cube with Charis (who is still out on disability from a back injury, which is going on 9 months now). No more makeshift terrarium of plants surrounding my head. I will have to select a few that will stay with me and can survive in low, shitty lighting. The remaining plants will go back to my apartment. For those who are well acquainted with plants and their needs, can you suggest some for my office area? I need to brighten it up the best I can, or I will go insane. My group is being moved to another section, because Judy's boss wants us to be close to this other team of people that work in the same system. I think it's quite illogical being that I interact with the product developers 50 times a day and not this other team. So now I am further away from those that communicate with me the most. I expressed this, but the decision has been made. Bummer.
Today my outfit feels very Downton Abbey, Season 4. Only my skirt is a bit too short for the 1920s.
Walter sometimes drives me up a wall. He jumps on me and threatens to tear my stockings and doesn't listen to my commands. Rick and I still need to take him to a training course at PetSmart (we have been referred to a female dog whisperer by a friend of ours) to teach and encourage him to respect us. I just will not put up with a dog that misbehaves ALL THE TIME. Regardless of how beautiful he is. I still love him, madly.