Some random questions that have been sloshing around in my brainpan lately:
1. Does the proliferation of fandom-specific newsletters mean there's less need for fic-communities? (I'm thinking of comms as fic-posting platforms here, rather than niche outlets for 'ship cliques and the like.)
2. If an ensemble has a canon queer character - or a couple
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it's hard for me to say, though. i mean, i think now i watch more newsletters than i do communities, but i certainly don't read off of either of them. i read ... not much at all. except apparently popslash in the middle of the night.
i'm going to have to think about #2, because i can't think of any examples right now. maybe the shower will help.
i read ... not much at all. except apparently popslash in the middle of the night.
Your secret is safe with me.
Enjoy the shower. :D
do newsletters over communities make it harder for new authors? like... i don't care that much, i guess. i am okay with my 3-5 comments. but other people might care more about getting out there.
I think they do a little bit. In fact, I think I've had this experience as an old author trying to reach new readers when she's suddenly writing things that don't appeal to her friends list anymore.
You know, I've wished sometime that I was just a newbie, because it would be a whole lot easier to find an audience in some ways. Like, I could crosspost all over creation because I didn't know any better. Hee.
i don't think i even managed to do that when i -was- new. like, it wigged me out to post to a community -and- my journal, so i have a lot of just links in my journal now. which is why i have to go and backpost old fic now. what a pain.
and for me in hp, enough people read me who care, i guess, for my purposes, so i don't feel the need to crosspost. sometimes people ask me to post things to communities, like a harry/ron story once, and it was so odd, because it NEVER would have occurred to me.
Oh my god, I thought that was my unique perversion!
Um, carry on.
i don't know what it is! i am totally normal all day long and then it hits 11:30 or midnight on a work night and i am all "omg sparkly dance boys!" sigh.
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