[unfic] in place of thought, questions

May 15, 2007 09:04

Some random questions that have been sloshing around in my brainpan lately:
1. Does the proliferation of fandom-specific newsletters mean there's less need for fic-communities? (I'm thinking of comms as fic-posting platforms here, rather than niche outlets for 'ship cliques and the like.)

2. If an ensemble has a canon queer character - or a couple - is there less inclination/inspiration to slash the remaining characters? If so, why? (And does gender play a role? Clearly, the presence of Willow and Tara hasn't impeded m/m slash in BtVS.)

3. I've browsed metabib, but can't find the posts about Cold Pricklies vs. Warm Fuzzies as fic genres. If anyone could point me to them, that'd be great. I want to suggest another orientation, by the way: Sticky Hots.
eta: musesfool found it.
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