[today] Axial Tilt + Hap-hap-happy birthday fic for Snow

Jan 14, 2007 12:40

Hey, you know what today is? January 14, you say.

Why, yes. And that means two big things:
1] Sign-ups at axial_tilt close tomorrow. At least 500 words of fic without sex in a variety of delightful fandoms: You know you want to participate.

2] It's sweptawaybayou's birthday! My gift is up, Black and Bright and Red All Over, a Roswell/DCU crossover.

*And* it's snowing at long, long last.

eta: Characterization, Canon, and Comics by brown_betty has *much* to chew on, all about interpretive communities and the role(s) of canon. I highly recommend it.

fic - comics, batman, boyslash

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