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NAME: Fufu ♥
techno_beatOOC COMM?: SURE.
NAME(S): Starfire.
FANDOM: Teen Titans.
The Teen Titans are a group of five main superheroes (Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, Cyborg and Raven) with a collection of friends and what they call Honorary Titans all across the globe; their sole purpose being to fight and protect the innocent. Starfire is a major part of the main group, and in a way, she's sort how they all got together in the first place.
Starfire is an alien from a planet called Tamaran; and anyone familiar with the Tamaranean race could recognize her heritage easily by her green eyes and orange skin. There she was raised by Galfor, her guardian (or K'norfka in her language) and is actually second in line for the throne, though she really doesn't make a huge deal out of being an alien princess. Shortly after Robin had started his "solo career" (so, before the Titans had formed) is where Earth comes into play in Starfire's story, though.
She was being held captive by Gordanian slave masters, a prize to be delivered to the Citadel so she could become their servant. But with her strength and her anger, Starfire was able to escape their space ship and fled to the nearest planet -- Earth, of course.
Upon arrival, she did quite a bit of damage to the city trying to get her hand restraints off and defending herself from every human she saw (she likely assumed everyone to be a threat, as she did not understand the concept of "nice" when Robin first said it to her). The Gordanians came after her, but by that time she had Robin, Cyborg, Beast Boy and Raven on her side -- so together, they defeated the aliens after Starfire and sent them packing. After the ordeal was settled, the strange alien girl's nicer side seemed to emerge. Earth was full of strange, but kind, people and Starfire decided she wanted to stay. Robin and the others were pleased to have her; and since then, the Teen Titans have been protecting Jump City.
In amongst all the average crime fighting and stopping of smaller criminals, there was always a bigger villain with more sinister ideas lurking about. And while Starfire's older sister, Blackfire, seemed to be Starfire's personal arch nemesis for being an all-around bitch, taking over Tamaran with selfish intentions and trying to make Starfire's life as miserable as possible (proven mostly by trying to trick her into marrying a slime monster and going to live on his planet far, far away forever), a man by the name of Slade took up much of the Titan's arch rival role. He was a strong fighter and master of deception, with enough tricks up his sleeve to actually force Robin into being his apprentice at one point. But with the help of Starfire and the others, Robin was eventually freed -- and the Titans, who were infected with multiple tiny probes ready to destroy their hosts at Slade's command (if Robin did not obey his commands), were eventually found out and removed.
From there, Starfire and the Titans went on to befriend a girl named Terra who had control over earth. They made her a Titan and offered her a home amongst them in the tower -- an offer she did not take at first. Finally she did, but the ending wouldn't be as sweet as the Titans had planned.
Terra betrayed them, under the command of Slade.
It was a hard truth to take in, but it was one they all had to accept. Starfire was one of the Titans who took it the hardest, but there was no escaping it -- and she would not hold back when the time to fight Terra came. However the ending was not entirely bitter, for Terra eventually broke away from Slade's control, seemingly destroyed him and saved the Titans from being crushed by the collapsing cave in which the final battle had occurred... at the price of her own life. She turned to stone, and while there was no clear reversal spell, the Titans would go on to try to find one.
The next big boss was Brother Blood, the headmaster of H.I.V.E. Academy (basically, a school for young villains). Starfire played more of a supporting role during this time though, for Brother Blood was only concerned in Cyborg. After that there was Trigon, the very incarnation of Evil -- and also Raven's father. Who knew! Starfire, along with the other Titans, tried their best to prepare for the end of the world that a prophecy foretold Raven would bring one day. Despite all the horrible things Raven knew she would create, Starfire did not stop believing in her. Neither did the other Titans. The final battle with Trigon was, in the end, Raven's fight, but that didn't mean Starfire didn't bravely go through everything Trigon threw at her in hopes of allowing Robin time to rescue her ill-fated friend -- and nor did it mean she ever gave up hope.
And finally, there was the Brotherhood of Evil. Lead by The Brain and his assistants Madame Rogue and Monsieur Mallah, the Brotherhood of Evil is a group of only the most notorious villains; determined to take out anyone who gets in their way -- including the Titans. In attempts to stop them, the five Titans dispatched across the world to deliver Titan communicators to young heroes everywhere in order to keep in touch and build a resistance; but the Brotherhood had been watching their every move from a stolen communicator. They tracked everyone and when they were all separated, ambushed and captured all but a handful of Titans.
Unfortunately, Starfire was not one that got away. She was captured and taken to the Brotherhood's secret liar to be frozen like her friends. But the ragtag group that escaped the ambush came to the rescue and set and the others free -- triggering an all out brawl between all Titans and a hefty amount of villains.
In the end, good prevailed (obviously). And with the Brotherhood out of commission, the Titans returned to their home in Jump City, ready to resume their duties protecting the city.
TIMELINE SUMMARY: I'm taking her after season five (aka the whole series), but before the movie. This way, she'll still be inclined to fight crime and even though she will certainly be upset about being separated from her friends, taking her from where there isn't something really big going down (like the battle against the Brotherhood of Evil) will help her settle in a little bit better.
Starfire is a very sweet alien girl who wishes to be friends with pretty much anyone she meets (if they're not a bad guy who needs butt kicking, anyway). She's still rather insecure about being an alien on Earth, and tries very hard to understand their culture, customs and language. The way she goes about this is kind of endearing (and serves as comic relief a lot in the show), with the way she never uses contractions, always messes up slang and does just plain weird things like drinking mustard as a soft drink. But don't mix up her naivety for stupidity -- Starfire is more than capable in almost any situation she's thrown in.
She also takes friendship pretty seriously, and considering there is a Tamaranean holiday dedicated to celebrating friendship, one could probably guess that her values on friendship is generally shared among her race. It takes the comfort and reassurance of Robin to realize that it's okay for friends to argue sometimes, but she still it upsets her a little to see friends fighting with each other. However, despite her great love for her friends, she will not hesitate to fight them if for some reason they turn against her, as seen multiple times when her friends are under mind control (it's kind of popular among villains, it seems). It's unlikely she'd be able to destroy someone she cares about, but having the strength to fight them without much reluctance and constantly believing that they can be returned to good is a very powerful thing that not all protagonists have.
So, in short: Starfire is probably one of the nicest teenagers you could ever meet. She is nothing short of endearing, and add in the fact that she's a member of the Teen Titans, a group dedicated to fighting crime and keeping their city and world safe from certain disaster? Well, she is certainly a hero!
Starfire, like any other superhero, has superpowers -- of the alien variety of course, considering her heritage. And on her planet, powers are influenced and controlled by their emotions (specifics listed below in brackets). As such, if Starfire is not feeling her best, then her powers could very easily be rendered useless.
Flight (joy): Even without wings, Starfire is able to fly and hover off the ground.
Starbolts (righteous fury): Her most prominent attack. It's basically an energy projection in the form of green energy "bolts" that she is able to summon to and shoot from her hands and eventually, eyes as well (although her eyes always did glow green when she used starbolts anyway).
Alien Strength (boundless confidence): Even though she looks tiny and acts sweet, Starfire can still pack a powerful punch and lift the heaviest weights. She can pick up and throw huge boulders, buses and other large vehicles (like spaceships) and rip apart thick metal walls and floor with her bare hands -- just to give you a basic idea.
Other Alien Abilities: Includes being able to survive in outer space with no oxygen, traveling faster than light, and immediately learning the main language of a person by kissing them (though judging by her English, which she acquired by kissing Robin, that does not mean she becomes entirely fluent in the language).
Obviously none of these will work in Rivelata right away, but her strength and flight will probably be the first to come back.
Starfire quietly rolled over on her bed, still half asleep, to discover that her bed had somehow turned into a very hard, wooden surface. When the realization actually hit that no wait, this was not actually her bed, the girl's green eyes fluttered open and she quickly shot up to her feet.
"Oh... this is not my home!" Looking around, it seemed that she was inside some strange wooden room. And, the room was rocking. Was she inside a... ship?
Curious and confused, Starfire quietly started to walk. "Hello?" She asked. "Is there anyone who may be able to help me on board this floating device?"
The girl jumped a little at the respond -- she hadn't noticed the guard there. But now that she did, she walked to him and asked what was bothering her most, "Please, may you be able to tell me where I am? And what of my friends, do you know where they have gone?"
"I dunno, check th' deck." Starfire opened her mouth to say something more, but the man glared at her with enough conviction to make her close it again and go up the stairs that she assumed would lead her to the dock. Upon getting there, she was met with a beautiful view -- clear blue skies, calm green waters all around, and an exotic looking island that was getting closer and closer. It was breathtaking, but she couldn't stop wondering what was going on. Were her friends alright? She needed to know!
Asking some of the other strange people on the boat, she realized that none of them knew what was happening. Well except the guards, but they were grumpy. Plus she didn't know if she could trust them.
The boat finally docked then, but Starfire didn't need the boardwalk -- she could fly, after all. And so, going to the edge of the boat, the alien girl pushed off the ground...
And went down instead of up.
She screamed and flailed a little bit before hitting the water beneath her. She surfaced just fine, spitting out a mouthful of salty water, and rubbed her stinging eyes. "What just happened? Why can I not fly?! Oh, what kind of a place have I wandered into...?"
Please, magical book that speaks the human words, can you tell me where I am, why am I here, who has brought me here, why can I not fly or use my starbolts and possibly where my friends have gone? I would be most grateful for your assistance!
[with no answer for two seconds, she starts shaking the book and then, unknowingly, as she wanders around a few more of her questions are accidentally picked up]
Robin? Cyborg? Beast Boy? Raven? ...Silkie? Am I the only one who has been sent here?
Oh friends, I do wish you are all alright...