Springsteen’s supporting Obama in Philly, NYC, Michigan and Ohio

Oct 02, 2008 20:22

Springsteen is taking his political activities one step further. He's now aiming for maybe the most important factor in the whole American election process: getting people to register to vote.

The Associated Press writes:

Springsteen to perform at Obama rally in Michigan

Wednesday, October 1, 2008; 10:02 PM

YPSILANTI, Mich. -- Rock star Bruce Springsteen (will be) headlining a rally Monday afternoon for Democrat Barack's Obama's presidential campaign at Eastern Michigan University.

Obama's campaign was announcing Thursday that Springsteen would play a free acoustic set and headline the rally at Oestrike Stadium.

Ticket details were not immediately available.

Springsteen is also scheduled to perform on Oct. 4 at a Philadelphia rally and Oct. 5 at Ohio State University. ‘He'll be playing an acoustic set at a rally ‘aimed at encouraging Obama supporters to register and take advantage of Ohio’s early voting period.’

And Springsteen will also perform at an Obama campaign fundraiser in New York City on Oct. 16. Obama will be here, so that’s probably gonna be the first time they’ll meet.

Craig Schirmer, Pennsylvania State Director of the Obama-Biden campaign: ‘Senator Obama is a great fan of Bruce Springsteen and is honored to have his support. This will be a great opportunity to gather tens of thousands of our supporters together in one place as we register new voters and bring new volunteers into this campaign for change.'

Voting in the US

About only half of American voters take part in a presidential election.

Though the voter turnout looks promising for the 2008 election there's still a lot of work to be done to get more and more people to vote. Especially people a lot of people who don't vote, might vote for the Democrat Party if they decide to vote.

'It is tempting to give Democrats a mobilization edge. Obama’s efforts are highly visible, whereas McCain must rely on the tightlipped Republican National Committee. Obama does not employ the Democratic National Committee for thi
s expensive campaign operation because he opted out of public financing. Indeed, recent presidential candidates - McCain included - usually raise money for voter mobilization through their national parties.

‘Before Obama is given an edge, we must caution that Republicans are better able to register themselves than are lower-income Democrats. Massive Democratic registration drives create a false impression that they are out-hustling Republicans. In 2004, Democratic-aligned organizations’ highly publicized efforts exceeded their voter turnout victory targets. These groups underestimated President Bush’s 72-hour voter mobilization efforts the weekend before the election, which effectively matched them voter for voter.

‘Still, Obama’s organization should not be discounted. Just four years ago, Democrats were still playing catch-up to Republicans. Now they are just as sophisticated and have recruited a large cadre of volunteers, including typically apathetic youth.'


I’m happy to be a Springsteen-fan! ;-)

bruce springsteen, american politics, barack obama

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