Need advice on how to be a cranky BBC mum

May 14, 2011 14:09

Okay - it seems I have a bit of a love-hate thing going on with BBC Worldwide. The DVD distribution arm that is. Ever since DW S3 came out BBC Worldwide has embraced the Disneyesque passion for an excessive amount of trailers for their DVDs before the opening menu. Sounds okay in principle but it's their choice of trailers that's at issue.

On S3 that includes family friendly shows like MI-5 and Torchwood. (Which honestly were questionable but the trailers were not inappropriate.) Then we come to Jekyll and we see This. (Not the exact trailer but very close.) My son was just about eight when he saw that. I was out of the room when the DVD started up and came back in time to see all the bloody shirt/menacing kids scenes and my horrified boy standing frozen in front of the TV. Cue kid nightmares and being terrified to watch any of S3 for a while.

I ranted about it on some forum or another and was advised to complain at the BBCA website. I tried but the site kept eating my entry so I decided to try later and somehow never did.

Fast forward a few years. So far the S4 ads have been pretty tame (but I haven't watched all the disks) and we don't have S5. What we do have is all theSarah Jane Adventures.

I was living in hope that BBC Worldwide had learned their lesson. Then we got SJA S3 a couple months back. And on disk two was an ad for Children of Earth. A particularly lovely one too.(Sorry about text overlays from some pirate site. They are the only ones who posted that one. Huh, wonder why.) I especially love the burnt-up, screaming man part.

Now people argue and fuss at me for calling DW a kid's show. Thus the PG-13/R rated trailers *may* (and this is the most qualified "may" ever) be excusable. But I defy anyone to tell me a CBBC show is the place for a trailer like that. (Because young kids need to see stories about adults utterly betraying them?)

So after that tl;dr, my question is thus: how crazed mom should I go about all this and what exactly should I say. Whenever I think of think of it, I want to meta all day and probably come off sounding like Mary Whitehouse. **sigh**

I know better than most that my son blinks at things other kids are blind to. I know he's an extreme pacifist who at eleven is just now deciding that while it's still not okay to have a gun shown in a fictional setting, it's not always a deal-breaker. As long no one gets shot graphically. And as long the film is PG-13 or less. And not a drama. (IE comedy, light action/adventure.)

But I'm not overreacting, am I? Honestly?

doctor who, meta, sarah jane adventures, rl

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