"The Impossible Astronaut"

Apr 26, 2011 20:13

Don't have a lot say about the start of S6 except (in my son's words) "Nooo! where's the rest??" Cliffhanger to start with? Argh.

So random thoughts:

1) I had to sigh a little at the timey-whimeyness starting already. My head still hurts from the S5. (Of course its been less than 1 month since I saw six or seven eps of S5 for the first time. ;) )

2) River annoys me less. I like her better when she's telling Eleven how much she hates him than flirting with him. And that slap? He totally deserved that. Although I missed some important throwaway lines it seems from some of the anti-Moff rants I've read. Clearly calls for a more careful re-watch, even though I might end up completely squicked.

3) Amy is Amy, but she's less - whatever she is - with Rory close by so that's good.

4) The aliens are uber-creepy. Sorta glad I've not bothered getting spoilered because they totally freaked me out. I thought they were meant to be like the grey aliens, but they are way more disturbing.

5) Now that several people have clued me into the fact, I think I might like DW ripping off the X-Files a bit. Would be an interesting change. I really liked X-Files once upon a time. I don't bother trying to get back into it since it's completely Junior unfriendly and it's a pain to watch stuff like that when he's bouncing around. Being lectured by an 11 year old about gratuitous violence is just shaming.

6) Did anyone else notice the ship in the tunnel was the one from the lodger??? I didn't. It was Junior who gasped and started babbling about it at light speed while I looked at him in confusion. I then got the patented "dribbled-down your shirt" look (heh) and he explained to me slowly and in small words. ;) This is pretty awesome I think. That means what appeared to be a monster-of-week ep was anything but. Nice.

7) I'm so glad it turned out to be Nixon. I thought it was him when I saw the teaser prequel. Why this amuses me so much I cannot say.

8) Again cliffhanger!! Is it Saturday yet?

eleven, doctor who, meta

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