So, I wrote a whole pile of fic this week, mostly for Tumblr prompts, and rather than make separate posts for all of it, I'm gonna be lazy and just dump it all here!
Agent Carter
Isolation RoomPeggy and Jack are both in an isolation room after being exposed to a drug on a mission; Daniel is pretty sure he doesn't get paid enough to deal with this.
something real that's out of touchMagnus is perched on the foot of the bed when Alec slips in the door, barefoot and wearing one of Alec’s shirts. (3x14 episode tag)
Backyard WildlifeWhatever Magnus is trying to lure out from under the hydrangea bushes is definitely not a stray cat.
Pretty Face and Electric Soul (WIP)
“You love a mortal, Magnus. How much longer do you think he has left? A few years, if that? What do you think you’ll do when he’s gone?”
(Major character death)
The Wonder of It All“What’s the point of being a warlock if I can’t look after gorgeous exhausted men I find collapsed in my bed?”
Stranger Things
John Connor Ain't Got Nothing on This“You’re going to die,” Dustin said, sounding more judgmental than worried.