For those of you who were upset because you missed me last night on Northwest Cable News
(see yesterday's post), NOT TO WORRY. I wasn't even on! :( In fact, they didn't show any of the people who were interviewed on the street.
But I hope some of you caught the show anyway. There was about a 10-15 minute report on the topic of "Gay Marriage", which I thought was done very well. It started out with an interview with a lesbian couple who got married in British Columbia, as well as interviews with other lesbians in Washington State who wanted to be free to marry legally. Some of the gay and lesbian couples who got married in BC were also shown, though not interviewed.
For the other viewpoint, they interviewed
Paul deParrie, a radical Christian activist from Portland, Oregon. (I used to know him when I lived in Portland. What a jerk!) I didn't catch all that he said because I hit "mute" on the remote button since I pretty much knew what he was going to say. To give you an idea of where he's coming from, he was the organizer of Advocates for life Ministries’ 1995-96 SHAME Campaign where activists picketed abortionists’ houses and leafleted their neighborhoods. *sigh*
Anyway, the fun part was where the news anchors opened the phone lines for viewers to call in with their comments. I noticed that the advocates of gay marriage sounded intelligent and articulated their views very well. The opponents, on the other hand ... two callers in a row said something to the effect of, "I don't believe in gay marriage because the Bible says God created Adam and Eve. He didn't create Adam and Steve." I couldn't believe that two callers would trot out that tired Adam and Steve bit. I mean, was that the best these guys could come up with?
Well, even if I ended up on the cutting room floor, I was still delighted to be a part of something so historic.