"Since when does it rain in California?"

Sep 22, 2007 12:05

Jaysus! 2nd night in the new room was interesting. Apparently the couple who rent out the room next to mine were having a tiff at 10 in the evening. Then I remembered it was Friday night so that must mean they were fighting on the way out to the club. S'fine... earphones on with the dial turned to 11 usually do well to tune stuff out.

The morning after was laaaazy. After waking up and doing my morning rituals I left a little note by my landlord's room. So far she hasn't told me what or to whom I should write the check out to so I'd like to get that taken care of. I mean I've already been there for two days! But she's a little spacey like that.

Got caught in the rain today, well not caught. I could see it clearly from my window and the front porch but my stupid ass forgot to pack an umbrella when I moved out. All my shit's still over at my sister's so I'm kind of just living out of out of a suit case. I need to tap someone with a car to help me move some boxes, my tv, and a my drafting table. But I digress. So huddled under a tree and waiting out by the bus stop I see Fogey, a coworker, walking up. Now I don't like Fogey much on the count that he's a narcissistic misogynist but the bus rolls up and it seems to me that we're on the same bus. Guh. Fortunately he's off and I'm not on until one so as soon as we get off at the same stop we go our separate ways and I go off to find myself some breakfast. Of course the good thing about closing and working later is that Good Karma's is open. Mm... Vegan food is yummy.

And so that's the day thus far. I'm sure when work starts and the day is done I'll have more material but for the time being I'll be content to pass the time away.
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