Feb 19, 2004 07:46
well i can now breath a sigh of relief. although our money problems are yet to be over we are coming out of the woods. Paul has a job he started today *YAY* and we are sending out our taxes.. so we should get our check in about 6 weeks. we are getting back enough to cover med bills for this pregnancy and baby and that's about it. but at least it will be paid. we are also at the mercy of my co-workers and families at work right now. to give you and idea of the sence of "Family " at my center. they have all gotten together and decided to make my life easier and cook me and mine dinner for my bed rest. it's kind of disorginized but they are trying. my darling friend Didi brought over her mom's yummy Cuban food. and my co-worker Shannan made lasgana. i need to get a schedule emailed to me so i can figure out when i need to have Paul cook.
he is finaly relising how much i do around here. and is kinda nervous about having to do it all for 3 days by himself. as is i am up and down half the day helping him figure stuff out and taking care of the wee one. but come the 3rd he's gonna have to fly solo. my release date is for the 6th so i figure by saturday afternoon i should be home. and knowing i can't help after major surgery i'm gonna have to trust him. lucky for both of us my mom will be around to help. and he'll have company, our friend James will be in from CA and is coming over Sat night to see the newest addition to the Sorvillo clan.
i had a Dr.s appointment yesterday and she said i don't look as nearly as far laong as i should but my hight and weight are right on target. her words " if i didn't know better i'd say you were only about 6 to 7 months". and my weight has finaly leveled off. in fact i have lost a half a pound *YIPPIE* i've figured at my currant weight i need to lose about 50-55 lbs to be happy once again. my goal is 60, that will put me closer to my pre pregnancy weight. but i don't know if i can lose all 60 by my birthday.. i mean may isn't that far off... but i shall try! and then it will be mini's and fishnets as far as the eye can see.... and i can wait to get these huge boobs in my corset ;}