Итак, как я писал ранее, мой собственный метод изучения Business English основан на работе с материалами, которые нам дают не mainstream mass media, то есть массовые средства дезинформации, а альтернативные источники информации.
Вот, они:
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107: Peter Schiff and I talk stagflation, $50 trillion debts, and more | Sovereign Man
This morning I reached out to my old friend and colleague Peter Schiff to talk about some uncomfortable truths that very few people are discussing right now. I wrote to you about this yesterday
The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire (Documentary)
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Princes of the Yen: Central Bank Truth Documentary
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The coming retirement crisis
The Coming Retirement Crisis Part II | Real Vision
How can ordinary people behaving rationally create a generational threat? Raoul Pal, in his role as CEO and co-founder of Global Macro Investor, joins Real Vision to explain the interconnected problem of the everything bubble and the coming retirement crisis to answer the question, "why do we
James Rickards | June Rate Cut Is Coming, Not Priced In
Besides the video, there’s a complete written transcript as well.
James Rickards | June Rate Cut Is Coming, Not Priced In
Interview Date: January 15, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMa3LfsTrGc
Albert Lu: I’m joined now by James Rickards. He is the author of the best-selling book Currency Wars and also Aftermath: Seven Secrets of Wealth Preservation in the Coming Chaos. We’re
Why You MUST Bet Against the Debt Now | Gregory Mannarino
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Ultimate Guide To Gold & Silver Mining Stocks - Mike Maloney Buying Miners?
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“This is Insanity!” - Jim Rogers Warns of “Horrible Time” Ahead
‘We are going to have a horrible time,’ Jim Rogers tells Boom Bust as global debt skyrockets
‘We are going to have a horrible time,’ Jim Rogers tells Boom Bust as global debt skyrockets
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Mike Maloney on Surviving The Impending Crisis, Gold, Silver, Crypto and Living in Puerto Rico
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Jeffery Gundlach, founder of DoubleLine Capital, spoke with Yahoo Finance about his outlook for the US economy and markets
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John Hathaway in Conversation with Anthony Vaccaro
John Hathaway in Conversation with Anthony Vaccaro
“CRIKEY!! (What’s Going on With Gold?) - Grant Williams
“CRIKEY!! (What’s Going on With Gold?) by Grant Williams
Epic RANT! Burn Baby Burn................ By Gregory Mannarino
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James Rickards: The Next Financial Crash is Coming
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Is A U.S. Recession Coming? with Raoul Pal | Recession Watch
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Money Box on BBC4:
BBC Radio 4 - Money Box - Available now
Available episodes of Money Box
Egon von Greyerz - Compared to Gold Assets Will Fall 95%
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the Price of Gold Is Going to Take Off! But Why?
Peter Schiff Says the Price of Gold Is Going to Take Off! But Why? (Video) - Peter Schiff's Gold News
Peter Schiff has been saying that the price of gold and silver are going to take off. But why? Peter isn’t just taking a wild guess or gazing into a mystical crystal ball. He’s basing this prediction on the unavoidable economic consequences stemming from decades of Federal Reserve mechanizations. In
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Is the Future of Money Gold, Crypto or Fiat? - Jim Rickards
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Kyle Bass: Hong Kong Protests are Chinese Regime’s “Worst Nightmare” in US China Trade War
banking terms
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Charles Hugh Smith: What’s Holding The Market Up?
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We've never seen anything like this. Not even under Obama
Gold: The “Third Rail” of Capital Allocation
https://www.realvision.com/gold-the-third-rail-of-capital-allocation ‘We are going to have a horrible time,’ Jim Rogers tells Boom Bust as global debt skyrockets
‘We are going to have a horrible time,’ Jim Rogers tells Boom Bust as global debt skyrockets