They are strange things. They can bring many emotions - usually conflicting.
When I arrived to work this morning, there was a strangeness, stiffness to the air. I could not put my finger on it for quite a while, but finally it dawned on me.
Today is the 1 year anniversary of Mrs C's death. I worked for and with her for 4+ years. I worked for and with Mrs C's daughter also - and continue to do so.
The grief that ravaged this company last year is still palaple today. Mrs C's office is still empty. Mrs C's widower comes to the office at least 3 times per week and just sits in the empty office. At first he cried and it was heartbreaking to watch and hear. Now he just seems to meditate. I am sure it is an attempt to be close to Mrs C. The office is so "her" you can see her and hear her when you walk in there. I hope that we move on soon, redo the office, move someone in there. The staff needs that healing and closure as well as the family does.
and of course life goes on.....
When you work for a family owned company, you eventually become part of the family whether you want to or not.
The family has a new member! A lady who has worked here for more than 25 years just recieved the gift of her first grandchild. The office is rejoicing. How appropriate that the child chose to arrive on this anniversary day.