Aug 29, 2007 08:47
Goddamn, I am just in the mood to BITCH lately.
I think it's because I haven't gotten out enough to release this pent up energy. Thank goodness for livejournal, where pointless bitching is encouraged!
Let's see, what am I mad about today? Errrhg. Templates. Personality templates. Automated answers. NOT THINKING. I can't stand watching idiots argue. When they do, it's like they have to whip out every cliche' response that they've heard someone more intelligent use in an argument where it actually made sense and try to apply it to their sad, shit point of view. It just leads me to wonder if anyone even really thinks about what they're saying or what concepts they're actually associating with themselves with. Religious arguments, music arguments, scene arguments, I feel like everyone's spouting off the same shit to each other. I've been around honest, comfortable-with-themselves people for so long now that I'm surprised into reality when I remember there are people out there that just... well... aren't thinking and don't even know who they are yet. So they use what others give them, whether it be opinions, concepts, or even THOUGHTS.
I don't know. I think I'm just rambling at this point. In fact, I'm going to end this, stand up from the computer, and not touch it for a good, long while. I need to be outside and find my center.
Live to love,