Aug 07, 2007 13:10
So, I am TERRIBLE at posting to this journal. Literally. I used to be an update too often type and now it seems I never do. And the funny thing is, I checks my friends entries like, a few times a day. I'm consistently logging into livejournal, I'm just too lame to remember to update it.
Anyway, in the spirit of trying harder, I'm working on THE longest entry of all time, to be lj-cut multiple times to account for all the time in Germany I didn't account for. It'll be list-like and pretty awesome, and anyone who reads all of it will officially earn my undying love and affection and likely I'll try to hang out with you, because're bored! But anyway...
Yes. Colorado until the 22nd of August, so get your time with me in. If you don't have my number (it's the same as it was before I left), call someone who does (Putlack, Ashlee Rosen, Lacey Carlson, name a few) and get it, or leave a message here or e-mail me at and I'll try to fit in time to see who I can. Please keep in mind that at the moment I LITERALLY have zero dollars, so ideas should be free or if you could kick a few bucks my way, feel free. But consider yourself warned, I have NO money. Seriously, if someone tried to rob me, they'd get a german Subway Sub Club card and some outdated medical insurance information. But yes. I want to see all of you nonetheless.
It's so weird to be back in the swing of home.