* Yesterday I had the weirdest conversation ever. I changed health insurance companies the other day, and the rep from my new one called me...I'm not entirely sure why, because he'd already told me the paperwork was in place and everything. Anyway, he's telling me things are moving along and whatnot and suddenly makes this weird pause, and starts going on and on about how there's going to be another huge earthquake here in two weeks time so I should be prepared. But that wasn't even the strangest part. He went on to explain that he knew this because he was in contact with beings from other dimensions or planets or something (I'm not too clear on where exactly the beings came from) and they told him another quake was coming, so of course I should get down my things from the shelves and the like. I don't even know.
* I've seen the two episodes of Justified aired so far and though I'm not feeling the levels of squee I've seen around, I enjoyed them greatly, especially Timothy Olyphant, who is clearly made of awesome. The good wife on the other hand is filling me with glee. I adore when a show continues to surpass expectations, gets better and better every week and is full of kickass female characters. Also and more shallowly, The Vampire diaries, which I hated at first but now I like A LOT.
* Also entirely made of awesome and brilliant is
Objects in motion by
airgiodslv who writes the best Gabe and William ever and is singlehandledly responsible for my current all consuming love for both of them. This is twice as amazing because is a sex slaves in space story brimming with character development, an amazing plot, a great POV, incredible worldbuilding and expert storytelling. Trust me, it doesn't get much better than
this. Though I recommend everything by