What if.....

Jun 22, 2005 02:19

Tonight at Shannon's we poured and we glopped glue on the floor. Then we walked in that glue with flip-flops. Just 'cause it was funny.
We then cut and laid carpet.. crookedly. So we stuffed scraps in the carpet-lacking areas under the trim.
It looks pretty nice now, actually... at least I think so.
Lauren, Shannon and I all laughed to the point of being doubled up in tears tonight. Many times.

I seem to have gotten into the habit of going to bed around 4am.... I seem to be getting increasingly out of it. Especially right now tonight. Agh. LACKING IN SLEEP.. and stuff.

"The arrows point out the window, because you have to watch your ass out there in the real world"

tired... tired tired tired.. goodnight..
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