(no subject)

Nov 11, 2004 22:15

The more I read my friendslist, the more fascinated I get. Weird.

Rearranged loads of furniture today after spending a good six hours lying in bed being utterly disgustingly lazy. Now I have a sort of two-room-in-one feel happening, with the dresser and desk in one half and bedin the other, divided by a chest of drawers with the telly on it. My books are over my bed, and I've got both my globes in. New drapes to keep the heat in [my room gets freezing in winter, on the end of the house and all and by the time hot air gets down here, it's not so hot anymore]. I'm also covering one wall with posters and photos and cards and whatever, with a big mirror in the middle. For now it's all quite plain, but sometime this winter I'll paste my fairy lights to the ceiling and cover them with black crepe to create a sky and finish painting so's the walls look less ratty.
All in all, it's looking good.
Hooked up the ancient BetaMax too, so now I can see all those programs I loved as a little kid - Fairy Tale Theater and Swan Lake and Mapletown and all the rest. Am about to watch Return to Oz, as I adore Fairuza Balk.

Going tomorrow to get this cyst/tumor/growth-that-isn't-a-pimple removed from my chin. Then, class. Perhaps I'll stop somewhere for lunch or do a spot of shopping; I start work Saturday and need another pair of black pants, as one simply won't cut it [plus they're quite nice pants; they make my ass look spectacular].

Am doing a massive amount of laundry, so must dash.
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