Jun 19, 2006 22:35
I completed my sponsored walk yesterday afternoon. Im really proud of myself!
I completed it in 2 1/2 hrs and accodring to my pedometer i totaled 17000+ steps! I was very surprised!
It was a nice walk, i saw some cool sights. Its amazing the amount of things which can go undetected in london even though you've lived here all your life. I absolutely love my city, i couldnt live anywhere else.
Anyway yeah i did it and i just wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU!!! to those of you who sponsored me. It really does mean alot and its for such a good cause.
There were only 27 people doing the walk for MD. The others were there for other childrens charities. I hope more people will do the walk next year, the more money they can make the better.
Not alot of other stuff going on really. Still waiting to hear about my move. Lifes being generally alright. Im seeing my family a bit more and things seem to be going well. Still hanging out with my friends and having as good a time as possible with them. We actually went out on friday night, had a great time! Joel is so nuts, its lucky he dances with me like that and not some other girl otherwise he'd be having problems! Honestly that boy needs a leash! it was really funny though, coz we were making his 'ex' jelous! We're all pretty sure hes bi (the ex) and apparently this added to the experience.
Well all i know is that i was having fun! I kept giggling everytime i saw the poor guys face! Plus it helped to deter the random ugly guys who tried to dance with me. I said no to this one guy and he proceeded to tell me that i had 'too many stars' Is that supposed to be an insult? The more the better surely?!!
Anyway thats all really. Ill update again soon. Thank you so much once again!