My 21st went like this...

Jun 13, 2006 14:23

I turned old, sorry 21 on thursday. The first thing i did when i woke up and realised 'hey its my birthday!' was meander into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Mum came in and gave me cards and a present which was a cute eeyore teddy. I then got ready to go to my psych appointment which was actually quite good. (he was giving me compliments, i think that was why)
Then we went back to mine and i opened the rest of my presents which were all lovely. I got some beautiful jewellery. Then back to the hospital for mums appointment and then we eventually got to victoria to catch the train to Lewes.
After a not so very nice journey we catch a cab to my aunties restaurant Guidos.
Her partner Ruth wishes me a happy birthday and gets us drinks. There were balloons up and party poppers on the table.
Its a tapas bar so al the food is small and nibbly and we all share. There was some really lovely food, including my fave halloumi cheese and pepper skewers. There was some yummy bread, and i tried a really gorgeous beer, i forget its name but its cherry flavoured from belgium i think. It was scrummy!
My auntie bought me some pink champagne and we had a toast, i had poppers blasted over my head and yep ive taken some pictures!
After the meal we had more drinks and then they surprised me with a cake! A big chocolate cake, seriously this thing was huge! I had a little bit coz im not a fan of cake least of all chocolate but still as it was me bday!

So all in all i had a really enjoyable day and evening. I got some lovely gifts and Karen paid for everything we ate and drank which made me feel so guilty but she said it was her gift. Bless her.

So then onto friday which was my party.
I had a really good time. I think i can call it a sucess. Different to the parties of old though, which im sure my friends will agree with but still we had fun.
My family had a decent time i know that.
So much drinking was had by all and the music was well, erm, different! I dont think ive ever had a party where that kinda stuff dominates the evening, but oh well i wasnt the DJ! I did not wanna get lumbered with looking after the music arangements, i wanted someone else to take care of that! Joel did a pretty good job of it until he got trashed!
I got some beautiful gifts. (Thank you to those of you who bought me something, i appreciate all of them and i love you all. They are really special)
There were no real disasters of the evening (none that i know of anyway) Some stuff obviously happened which wasnt fun but i dont wanna dampen this.
Everyone had a good time, thats the main thing.

So thats it then. I am now 21 and yeah it does feel kinda different. I do feel older, i feel like i cant do certain thngs anymore. And sometimes ive felt like i cant behave in a certain way anymore as it isnt appropriate. But not to worry as im not changing! Im still gonna be the same old Kayleigh, i feel different around my family mainly anyway and not my friends. Youre all still gonna be subjected to the immature sparkly kay! (which sounds fine to me!)

Thanks to everyone again. Love you guys x
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