Title: Tin Horses and Paper Planes - Chapter 19. Rating: PG16 Characters/Pairing: Cain, Glitch, DG, various OCs Summary: Chapter 19 - Return of the Tin Man (Reprise).
Title: Tin Horses and Paper Planes - Chapter 15. Rating: PG16 Characters/Pairing: Cain, Glitch, DG, various OCs Summary: Chapter 15 - A Bird in the Hand.
Title: Tin Horses and Paper Planes - Chapter 13. Rating: PG16 Characters/Pairing: Cain, Glitch, DG, various OCs Summary: Chapter 13 - The Realms of Possibility.
Fic: Tin Horses and Paper Planes - Chapter 11 Title: Tin Horses and Paper Planes - Chapter 11. Rating: PG16 Characters/Pairing: Cain, Glitch, DG, various OCs Summary: Chapter 11 - Opus Palladianum.
Title: Tin Horses and Paper Planes - Chapter 10. Rating: PG16 Characters/Pairing: Cain, Glitch, DG, various OCs Summary: Chapter 10 - A Taste of His Own Medicine.