Fanfic Drabble, Shuffle music challange respons.

Apr 25, 2008 03:48

Author: fixing_a_glitch
Title: Shuffle music challenge respons.
Rating: Varying from PG-13 to R.
I had to play with this challenge first posted by lovemyfaceoff, and therefore giving me an excuse to join this group as well besides simply lurking and reading all drool worthy fanfics in here. This was definitely fun to write and the first challenge I’ve ever responded to and these are not beta’d so you have been officially warned ^^ . And I really hope I'm doing this correctly when posting....if not you guys will have to remind/yell at/ me ;) Hopefully I won't accidentally step on any toes :)

Characters playing around these 10 drabbles would be Cain (mostly), Ambrose and Glitch…and one where DG decided to take over.

The Challenge Rules:

1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.
3. Write a drabble related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it’s over. No lingering afterwards!
4. Do ten of these, then post them.

01. Michael Jackson - Wanna be startin’ something

It had been a typical day in the OZ as Cain walked back to his rented apartment from his work in the Central City.
 And still, he could not help but feel exhausted as he half fumbled with the keys and opened the door.

Shaking his head with a sigh, Cain wondered how life had managed to get to semi-normal in such a short time after the Wicked Witch of the East’s fall. He’d not much contact left with the group that had banded together that week, though he did keep contact with his son.

Shaking his head once more to clear his mind Cain dropped his gray coat on a chair close to the door and placed his hat on the chair as well, then he stepped out of his shoes and made his way to the kitchen to get a glass of something to drink.

As he took the first gulps of the water a voice rang through the apartment, somehow startling Cain.

“That’s a sight one ain’t seeing everyday.”

“Ambrose…what’re you doing here?” Cain asked with a rather surprised voice.

Ambrose got up from the couch he’d been sitting in and with a smirk he made his way over to Cain, placing his arms around his waist before saying;

“I just wanted to be testing out a small theory of mine.” Ambrose said before giving Cain a kiss.

02. Anastacia - Sick and tired.

Many annuals had past since the Wicked Witch’s fall had took pace. Enough years for DG to start showing gray hairs here and there around her temples and such. Sighing she shook her head sadly and continued to watch her favourite couple from her place in the hospital wing of the castle.

It had been enough of annuals for both Cain and Ambrose to grow old, and with time both became sick enough to the point of no return. She knew it was close, and she just couldn’t help but wonder why her or Azkadellia’s magic hadn’t helped with the healing of her two oldest friends in the OZ. Shaking her head tiredly once more she turned her back and walked away.

03. Queen - Dead on time.

It had to be here somewhere. He just knew he’d put them somewhere.

He just couldn’t figure, for once, as to where he’d put the damned item.

Running around the Lab as if in a hurry, Ambrose grumbled under his breath as he threw books on the floor, blueprints where in a shamble and not to mention the clothes that had become strewn all over the bedroom in an attempt to find the tiny little elusive item.

It had to be today of all days that he had to misplace them, and growling in frustration he dove into a pile of pillows behind the sofa while trying to find them. Of all the days he had to loose the important keys, it had to be this one.


“’Bout time! Hurry up!” Cain shouted in to the lab.

04. Pavarotti - Vincero’.

Sighing Ambrose slumped in the chair as he could hear the music streaming from the ball a couple of stairs up in the castle.
He had had perhaps a bit too much to drink, and had retreated to his lab in an attempt too get away from the celebrating people.

Shaking his head he looked up as he could hear approaching footsteps and a door opening as he spotted the form of his lover since many years back.

“Care for a dance?”

Nodding, Ambrose got up with a smile and both rather tipsy, started to circle around the room.

05. Takida - It’s the booze talking

How was he supposed to know that stating that particular line just after love-making was something one was not supposed to claim to a lover.

“What do y’mean  with ‘Too small?” the voice of Cain was both frustrated and somewhat annoyed as he stared at Ambrose.

“Just what I said. Too small.” Was all Ambrose said as he put the arms at his hips and stared back at Cain.

“How is it that you feel that our bed is too small??” Cain asked with a blond, arched brow.

06. The wizard of OZ  - If I only had a heart (Extended version )

Pacing the room Cain sighed as he wondered how he had managed to get himself into this mess.

He’d never been much of a practical man. He’d always gone on impulses, though where they’d come from he usually had no idea about. He didn’t have enough of a heart after all to get them.

“Absolutely no.” he said finally, turning his gaze towards his secret something for many annuals.

“Why not? It’s completely harmless, and it won’t hurt a bit…I think at least.” Glitch whined with a pout from where he stood besides his desk.

“Really? What about the ADSCL? You said that about it as well.” Cain said in a firm voice.

07. Queen - One year of love.

All he could do was stare at the note he’d found in the mailbox.

He didn’t know  how it had happened, or how it was even possible, but there it was as memories of the past year came rushing through him. How he’d been the first man he’d first seen when he’d woken up after surgery, how they’d spent the first month dancing in circles and how they’d finally come clean to each other with a bit of pushing from their mutal friends.

Blinking a few times, Ambrose stared at the black letters scrawled over the note in his hand.

One annual.

One annual was all they’d gotten before the Queen had sent his Wyatt of to hunt some stray, rouge long coats.

One annual before the man that stole his heart got killed.

How he didn’t know, nor by whom. But he’d sure would find out, one way or the other.

08. The Beach Boys - Do it again.

Looking around as he made his way through Azka-D’s tower he looked around, wondering why he came back each year.

It was insane. He wasn’t sure what kept him from coming back to the place that had been his doom, nor what had happened to cause the situation that had become his life.

Blinking Cain wondered for perhaps the hundred of time again, why he kept coming back to this dreary place, one day each annual.

Looking around as he made his way through Azka-D’s tower he looked around, wondering why he came back each year.

09. Queen - Hammer to fall.


The shout rang through the corridors and caused a number of staff personal to pause with what they where doing to look around.

“You have to be more careful!” Ambrose said in a worried voice as he saw his lover jump around on one foot, holding the other in his hands.

“It’s really not my fault the damned iron bit of the hammer keeps falling off it’s place!” Cain growled out in an annoyed voice before walking over to where he’d put the glue the last time and put the iron back on the wooden stick before continuing to repair the desk that had become broken the other night.
10. Cher - Bang Bang
The two shots rang through the empty lands.

Freezing in place Cain blinked once.

Then twice. Before slowly turning around and stare in shocked surprise at the figure behind him. Blinking again he tilted his head before looking at the eyes of the man of his lover.

“How…” He started as he took the picture in.

“How many times do I have to tell you Ambrose - love?” Cain then continued.

“That car, does really not work with diesel! “

author: fixing_a_glitch, subject: fanfic

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