Shuffle Drabbles

Apr 24, 2008 19:52

I wanna play too!
"1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.
3. Write a drabble related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it’s over. No lingering afterwards!
4. Do ten of these, then post them."

Thanks lovemyfaceoff, sorry I don't know how to link to you!

I'm gonna be honest, I ran spell check, because some of the words weren't words...

1) Shout- Otis Day
“You know! Sometime you are just the most frustrating person on the whole planet! It’s not like we haven’t done this hundreds of times in the past, but every time you put up some sort of fight”

“I just don’t see-“

“Yes, I know your arguments, you have the same ones over and over, and what do I say every time?”

“That I should trust you, that the door is locked, that no one will ever know what goes on in here as long as we don’t tell them.”

“Exactly, now just shut up and put your hand on my shoulder so we can dance.”

Cain muttered something as Glitch started leading them around the bedroom in a very slow waltz. As he put his head on Glitch’s shoulder, he murmured “you have the weirdest Idea of foreplay”

“Oh, just shut up and enjoy” and they danced for hours.

2) A Star is Born- Disney’s Hercules
They became heroes overnight. By the next morning, most of Oz had at least heard whisperings of the four heroes who had overthrown the evil witch and saved the OZ. There were even rumours that the dead princess had been seen.

3) Mix Tape- Avenue Q
Glitch needed Cain to know his feeling, but he couldn’t really remember why it was so important, or what the tinman liked, or anything really. He knew what he himself liked, music and Cain, it wasn’t a very complicated list. But he needed something the gruff man would like. Of course, being glitch he got side tracked b the idea of music. He started writing out lists of all the songs he remembered, and bars from ones that he couldn’t remember the names of. When Cain found him several hours later he was surrounded by paper. “They’re for you! I thought you might like music!” Was Glitch’s only explanation.

4) ReBoot- Season 3 recap
“They had been four separate individuals. Before two months ago, they didn’t know each other even existed, but somehow they banded together to save the whole of the OZ. This is their tale.”

“Why do we have to be here?” Cain whispered to his companion
“It’s about us, it would be rude to leave in the middle”
“This is just the beginning!”
“Quiet or they’ll here you whining and get offended! This is in our honour, can’t you just enjoy it. Besides, the guy playing you is quite cute, don’tcha think?”
There was a long pause “A guy could get jealous with that kind of talk”
“Oh shush, you know I love you”
And the two settled in for the show

5) Your Wife Don’t Understand You- The Simpsons
It was a seedy place. He hadn’t been here in years. Well, a lot of that was because he wasn’t able to move for a long while, but even afterwards, he never really needed a drink. But tonight he and Glitch had ahda a fight and he just needed to get away and numb himself a little. He’d be fine to go back in a bit, but right now it felt good to listen to a stranger sing about heartbreak.

6) Join Us- Evil Dead the Musical
They had come to him while he was still in resistance. They didn’t know it at the time; they just knew he was very loyal and efficient. They had hoped he would join them willingly. They thought he could make captain in a week. He refused.
Years later they would try the same thing, thought with different tactics on someone else, an advisor, who would also resist.
The two didn’t know this, and certainly wouldn’t think so at the time, but not joining was one of the smartest things either of them could have ever done.
They would be part of the solution in years to come.

7) Three Coins in the Fountain- Forever Plaid
The starlight was beautiful, and he couldn’t help staring up and down, trying to decide if it looked better in the sky above him, or reflected in the fountain of the royal garden. It was here that Cain found him, flipping a coin and smiling at the man before him.

“Hey Sweetheart, what are you up to?”

“I was trying to decided what was the most beautiful, the stars in the sky, or the ones in the water.

“Well, I think I see the most beautiful thing out here.”

“What’s that?”

I’ll show you. Cain led him to the edge of the fountain to stare at their reflections. “See?”

“OH!” Exclaimed Glitch as a Cain’s coin fell in causing hundreds of ripples to break

8) Sixteen Tons/Chain Gang- Forever Plaid
Glitch didn’t remember, but he had a hard life as a wandering headcase. For awhile he was used as a hard labourer, loading the rocks that were used to build the witches tower. He wasn’t the strongest, but he could certainly push a wheelbarrow. He was released on day when someone had lost their grip on a pickaxe and it had hit him in the leg. They shoved him away, saying an injured headcase wasn’t worth anyone’s time. He was lucky he had survived the injury.

When Cain asked about the large scar on his leg, he couldn’t answer. “It’s ok, we’ll make you new memories” Was the blondes only reply.

9) Family- Dreamgirls
Cain didn’t know how to react to having a grown up son. At first he was just relieved to have a living family member and some small connection to Adora. But as he began thinking about it, he got more and more worried.
Glitch found him pacing his room one day, worrying about his son. “What’s wrong?” Was all he could think to ask.
Do you think he blames me? If I had been stronger, I could have helped him. Maybe Adora would still be here, if only-“
Glitch cut him off “Of course he loves you. You’re his dad. You’re part of him. Besides, how could he possibly not?” Cain looked up in shock, but glitch was already gone.

10) Love Makes the World Go Round- The Powerpuff Girls
Glitch knew he was in love from the moment that suit opened. The strong man who fell out, but the first thing he needed to know was about his wife, this was a man who knew about love, and Glitch always wanted to learn from masters.
It took awhile to worm his way into the mans so called non-existent heart, but when he was there, he flourished, and helped Cain do the same.

This was fun, you should all do it too! (or not, I guess...)

rating: pg, subject: fanfic, author: tis022, genre: drabbles

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