shuffle drabbles.

Apr 24, 2008 16:34

"1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.
3. Write a drabble related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it’s over. No lingering afterwards!
4. Do ten of these, then post them."

these are hard to do. most hae spelling mistakes, one has no punctuation.

1.guilty pleasure by cobra starship
Glitch threw himself in to the gyrating masses of dancers without a thought, Cain grimaced as he followed at a more sedate pace.

"C'mon Cain it so fun!" Glitch yelled to be heard over the music.

"yeah right" cain muttered but allowed himself to be led along in a rather sexy dance.

"You enjoyed that didn't yo?" said glitch later that night.

even if i did i'd never admit it thought cain.

2. my baby loves me just the way that i am by Martina mcbride

Cain? do you think I should get my Brain replaced?

only if you want to sweetheart, but i think you're just fine the way you are.

what wpould you do if i shaved all my hair off and dressed up in girl clothes?

I'd laugh and help yuou adjust the buttons.

what if I ...

Glitch nothing could make me change my mind. I LOVE YOU.

3. empty chairs at empty tables from Les Miserables

Cain wept quietly as he stared down at the grave in front of him.

how could this have happened?

He had just met Glitch and suddenly he was gone, not even two weeks after they had defeated the evil sorceress.

Dead from a gunsot delivered by the man Cain Hated more than any other in the world... but no, he wouldn't taint Glitch's memory by thinking of Zero here and now.

he missed him, oh how he missed him.

4.All my friends are dead by turbonegro.

where are your friends? asked the queen

what? what?? where are my friends? all my friends are DEAD.

the queen shivered at the maniacle laughter in DG's voice.

I got Raw as he was coming to give me a message, Az in the ante-chamber and Cain and Glitch as they slept curled up together.

and now dear morther it's your turn. she said as she grabbed her with one arm and pulled the pin on the grenade with the oither's not just make believe by Amy Powers

Glitch couldn't beleive it. Cain had sent him a letter. and not just any letter but an invitation to live with him. but the best part was where he had written I love you.

he pinched himself to make sure he wasnt dreaming, ouch.

he wrote back eagerly declaring his own feelings and gladly accepting Cain's offer.

as the letter was sent off, he looked in the mirror. he almost didnt recognize himself with the look he had on his face.

5. Ordinary day by Dolores O'Riordan

the only person he needed in the whole world was gone. well he was still physically there, but he had switched his attentions from glitch to that girl, andrea.

and now he had no will to work, no inspiration to invent and he was quickly spiriling into depression as he watched andrea make a fool of cain over and over again.

he wished he could point out that she was a chjeating whore but cain would probably just call him jealous and give him that look

and he couldn't take that so he suffered in silence wishing he could make cain see...

"i'd never do that to you" he whispered to himself, "would you be my inspiration cain? i'd never let you down."

6. Dude looks like a lady by aerosmith.

Cain couldn't take his eyes off the beautiful woman being guided around the dance floor by the more adventurous courtiers and tin men.

he decided to see if he could get a dance.

"may i cut in?" he asked.

"uh sure, said the man as he gave away the woman to cain

Cain looked at her and was suprised to see he recognized her.

"Glitch? why are you dressed like a girl?"

"i uh lost a bet with DG."

cain grinned mischeiviously.

so are you wearing wemons underwear too."

Glitch puffed himself up.

"a lady never tells and a gentleman never asks."

"good thing i'm a tin man then. what'cha doing later?"

"You if you're lucky." Glitch said then relesed cain and

7. bleeding by Lovex

Ambrose stared down at his wrists, trying to determine where he should place the next cut.

he knew this was seen as wrong, but it helped so much. it changed the pain in his heart to one he could deal with.

"why cain? why do I bleed for you when you never notice or care?" ambrose wiped his eyes and began to clean himself up.

He looked thoughtfully at the blade in his hand then shook his head. no not today, the queen srtill needed him. but soon, he couldn't take much more of this.

8. Anyone else but you by the moldy peaches.

Cain read the poem Glitch had just given him.

it was both weird and sweet just like glitch.

"i love it sweetheart, just like i love you." Cain said.

"so you forgive me?" Glitch asked.

"yeah, just don't do it again."

"I didn't want to do it the first time, he just pulled me into the corner and laid it on me. i was trying to get away when you found me."

"hmmm" was all that glitch got in return.

9. Headstrong by Trapt

"Back off Cain." Glitch said.

"No, not until you tell me what's wrong."

"It's nothing , I'll handle it myself."


"NO Cain. I don't need you following me around playing nursemaid. I can and have for the past 10 annuals taken care of myself. just leave me alone."

Cain grabbed his arm and pulled him to face him. Glitch punched him. Cain collapsed.

"Cain I love you but if you don't leave me alone i'll run away while you're sleeping and you'll never see me again. I can take care of this myself. i'll see you later."

10. Have a nice day by bonjovi.

"C'mon Cain, we're leaving," Glitch said as he stared angrily at the queen.

"You can't leave Ambrose, we have to put you back together." said the queen.

" So I am to be a prisoner now your highnerss?" he sneered. "my name is Glitch and you would do well to remember it, because i am never having the surgery. so just..... Have a nice day. "

he grabbed Cains hand, dragging him to their room and quickly throwing their things into bags.

"go get some fgood cain."

"Where are we going?" he asked worried.

"we're going to my family's estate."


author: truthwritaslies

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