It's Christmas, isn't it?

Dec 25, 2007 17:48

Then why am I looking forwards to Boxing Day already?

Afternoon all, and a Merry Christmas! It's been an interesting one this year, though not in that good interesting way that everyone talks about when they think of a lovely Christmas. People around me are all stressing like this was the main part of the season! I'm a really relaxed guy, laid-back even, but my family have been about as stressed as I've ever seen them! Though, I must admit, they've been rather more chilled now that we've had dinner. I think it's the combination of after-food lethargy and the wonders of alcohol for those who have been having it.

My mum's an organiser. She loves to be doing stuff and making sure everything is prepared. This year, she's damaged her ribs. This means that she can't bend down for anything, lift anything heavier than a dinner plate or even receive a hug from her sisters without wincing. Would she go to the doctors? No, it's too close to Christmas!! So she's been grouchy. My dad has therefore been a little more henpecked than normal, meaning he's been very stressed. My sister has been having to get all the presents for them for each other, along with all the other stuff that she normally takes care of. My brother (younger) is keeping a brave face on it all but he's been dealing with them for longer than I have, as he still lives in the house.

So ever since I got back, there's been an... atmosphere. And I don't work well in these situations. Not that it shows outwardly! I'm always smiling and cool. Even inside, I'm just thirsting for proper calm, I'm not going to be agitated by it all. But I would normally never place myself in the situation where I had to deal with this and try grinning though problems that would normally be laughably easy to diffuse.

My only respite so far has been a short trip up into Belfast city centre for Christmas Eve shopping. Yes, the madness of people dashing around shopping centres for last minute prezzies was actually more relaxing than sitting in the house with my parents and siblings. I did all my Christmas shopping in less than 3 hours, then I managed to get out for pints with two (and briefly three) of my best friends; Gary, Kate and Ellen. Even going downtown with Ellen in the car, along with me and my little bro, made me smile like a Cheshire cat.

Tomorrow I'm going to be dropping up to Belfast and staying up there for at least an evening. This, I look forward to. I'm going to try getting up to Bangor as well, to visit the newborn son of two other friends, scriblix and duj_1arm. And later on this evening I might even tell you all the interesting tale of my trip up to Liverpool. That was a lovely day.

Oh, and my presents this year have been...

- Pants. For the 4th year in a row, more underwear.
- Socks. For the 4th year in a row, more socks. But, on the other hand, these are John Rocha socks, so they are lush!
- A kettle. Because kettles are nice.
- A watch. I told my family specifically a few days ago how much I loathe wearing jewelry, especially watches, because I'm so clumsy with things like that. It's lovely, it really is, but I don't understand how, when they even said they knew I didn't want one, they actively went out and got me one. They even said they remembered that I'd said about that and ignored me! I don't understand them, really I don't.
- A DOORMAT (easily the best present in years!!). It says "Come in" when you look at it from one direction and "Go away" when observed from the other. BRILLIANT! =) More presents like this, family people!! ;)

Seriously, I'll love the presents, even the underwear, regardless of my seeming annoyance. They say that I'm difficult to buy for, yet a doormat, A DOORMAT (!!!) made me happier than any really expensive gift ever could.

Right, I'm off to slouch a bit. Love to you all, my internet readers!
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