Back to the old school

Oct 18, 2007 19:33

I've been working really hard this week and that's brought out a little insomnia.  When I say a little, I mean I used to have it bad, so I know that getting quite a few hours of sleep a night, and good sleep at that, is not proper insomnia!  I'm just burning the candle at both ends and with healthy doses of caffeine spaced throughout the day, it's easily coped with.  It does mean that my mind is active for longer and, as always, that means I see more, feel more.

I've been listening to the new Radiohead album, "In Rainbows" (cool website btw).  My best friend Gary asked me what I thought of it.  Here's a transcript of the 4 page long text I sent back to him, word for word.

"It appears that radiohead have got rid of all their angry fire, jaded rock-stardom and grief-stricken melancholy, replacing them with chilled rhythms and gentle melodies.  I like it, a lot.  It's the sort of designed specifically for you, or me when I'm actually relaxing.  Reckoning in particular is very pleasant indeed.  I do miss the grunt and passion of some of their previous stuff.  It's like they're on Prozac.  Not in a bad way though.  Like watching an angry friend calm down, chill out with a beer and a spliff and start talking about this girl if likes.  I'll be listening to it a bit more!"

Now, I even translated the spelling mistakes and bad predictive text usage!  I wrote it back to him so quickly!  I enthused!  It really is a lovely album.  Recommended!

Onto other things.

I had no idea that my village had a set of stocks!  Yes, stocks!

Now, these aren't the exact ones.  I didn't have my camera with me when I found them.  They're on a corner that you wouldn't normally walk past.  It's on the other side of the main road through the village where you just never need to be.  There appears to be a plaque above them too.  I'm going to be bringing my camera with me tomorrow so I'll grab a photo or two and display.

There's more than one reason for me to bring my camera tomorrow too.  This morning, and yesterday morning too, the journey to work has been beautiful for tragic reasons.  The water table is still way too high in the South of England and this means that one night of heavy rain causes many of the fields to flood.  So, on the way to work on Wednesday morning the fields were lakes, with flocks of crows flying low over what could be seen of the fences.  It was a stunning sight.  Then after last night being quite cold, this morning as we drove past with clear blue skies above us, a mist was swirling up from the still mostly swamped fields.  It was honestly breathtaking.  So from now onwards I'm gonna bring my camera with me every day.  I just never know when I'm going to see something around here that I want to show to everyone.

I've been playing a lot of computer games too, but you don't want to hear about that.  I'll maybe post a little bit about some of it later.

This weekend, depending on whether
f_l_i_r_t gets back in contact with me or not I may be heading into London for a coffee and a chat.  I'm looking forward to actually sitting down with someone and getting to know them in a comfortable atmosphere; no-one around here seems to do coffee except in the office.  And, frankly, any excuse to meet up with someone as cool as
f_l_i_r_t is a good excuse!  I put up a locked post to give her details and a phone number to contact me on but I forgot to lock it. 
calmllama saw it and was mightily confused!  It sounded like I must have been talking to her, as I was mentioning a girl who was heading to Paris at the weekend and Cardiff at the end of the month.  Turns out, they're BOTH doing that!!!  What are the chances of that?  I mean, come on!!  Does everybody get to jet about the place except for me?
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