Sep 02, 2006 14:10
Thursday morning. It was my second game of the day. When I went for the jumpsmash and finally hit the floor, I felt a big bounce. Bouncing after a jumpshpash is so unusual (especially when you're playing on wood) since I kinda mastered it. When I hit the floor the second time, I stepped on my left foot and tripped. The pain was excruciating I couldn't even cry. I tried standing up and it even made the agony worse.
People suddenly rushed to my aid. Some asking if I'm ok. Some asking where it hurts. And there is even one who's asking me to continue the game even if I can't stand. I couldn't forget that person. I told him, "Eh kung pilayin kaya kita gugustohin mo pa bang maglaro?"
Ryan was such a sweetie. He helped me get to the looker room to change and stayed with me until I finished. He's usually sweet, that's why I like his company. He's like the brother that I never had. And not to mention he's cute (hehehe).
My friends Hannah and Faiza accompanied me to Makati Med to have my foot checked. I never really liked going to hospitals but it was my first time in MMC. Gowd! I think they have a policy of accepting only goodlooking doctors.
After the X-Ray, the doctor (cutee doctor) told me that there were no fractures but some torn tissues. He said it should heal in the next two days but I need to make sure to get full rest.
Now I'm able to walk again but my foot is still swelling. I'm hoping that by Monday I'll be able to go to work again.
waaa di ako makalabas....