Tuesday 9/20/22

Sep 21, 2022 19:11

Mary Lou. 32. Washington State.

My alarm goes off at 6 AM but I decide to laze in bed for 30 minutes... I eventually force myself to get up and make the bed.

I shower, style my hair, and brush my teeth.

I do my make-up and take my vitamins.

I'm a little obsessed with smelling good lol. Today I want to smell fruity and floral so I go with this perfume and lotion combo :)!

I say good morning and good bye to Snickerdoodle. She doesn't care as long as I remember to feed her before I leave for work!

I quickly pack my lunch bag before I head out the door.

I make it in time! I love my work space. I used to work remotely but I went back to the office life because I missed interacting with people!

My wallpaper is so calming :)

I heat up a quick breakfast and eat while I check my emails.

I edit some paperwork and use my adorable cat stickies to easily flag my revisions for my coworkers.

A few hours go by and now it's time for lunch! A clementine and a frozen chicken pot pie. My food today isn't very exciting since I rushed out the door this morning and just grabbed whatever was easy and convenient. Looking back at these photos remind me how I really need to start meal prepping again.

Quick potty break photo. I love this shirt!

It's mid afternoon so I decide to take a tea break. My coworker gifted me this wonderful tea for my birthday and it's absolutely delicious!

It's finally time to leave and I practically skip to my car with joy lol.

I head straight home and start a load of laundry. Snickerdoodle is sleeping so I quietly head out to go on a walk downtown.

There's a walking path around the lake. I spot a blue heron! I wonder if it's the same one that flies on my apartment deck and scares my cat lol!

I'm an idiot and forget my water bottle AND my headphones for my walk. I grab a strawberry mango lemonade from Dutch Brothers on the way home to continue my theme of eating terribly today haha.

I have a korean fried chicken bowl for dinner. It's from a local korean fusion place.

I wash my make-up off and do my nightly skin care routine.

Snickerdoodle and I watch Friends from College. The show seemed kind of boring at first but I stuck with it and now I really enjoy it. It has Cobie Smulders and Keegan-Michael Key, two of my favorite actors. The main cast is pretty great imo.

I end the night by crawling into bed and reading until I fall asleep.

Thank you for viewing my boring but typical work day! I hope you all are doing well.
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