Perhaps the biggest plot hole in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince [Film]
If it is possible to produce water from your wand, ALA Harry refilling the fountain in the middle of the cave, then why is it the Weasley’s, Tonks, Lupin and Harry simply stand outside, watching in horror as the burrow burns spectacularly to the ground?
Well I’ve just
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Come to think of it, Rhett isn't all that nice himself, but at least he later calls Scarlett out on her bullshit.
But you know I love the part when she realises help is not coming and that she will have to deliver that baby herself. The way she goes about rebuilding herself and her family. Her sisters, who are mostly useless, her father who has lost his mind. You have to give her credit for protecting these people she loves. And actually doing something about it, taking charge herself instead of always being rescued.
My biggest problem is, she sort of reverts back to old habits, by which time Rhett has had enough and leaves her. It could have been so much greater if she stopped her foolishness and learned from her mistakes, yet somehow, I don't get the feeling she has.
I also loved her (and Marlon Brando) in Streetcar. Waterloo Bridge is now on the list. :D Also, my grandma told me my grandfather took her to see Saw Vivian Leigh in a play when she was young. O.O And that she was so good, by the end there were tears streaming down her face. Just to see her and Lawrence Olivier do their thing, live. My god it would have been awesome. I'm often cursing the fact I wasn't born in a different era! Like with James Dean for example. I would have loved to have seen him in one of his plays, before he made it big.
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