sniffly nostalgia.

Apr 08, 2003 18:30

I miss Clinton.

I grew up with that guy as President. The first election I was aware of? The one where he beat Bush, when I was in 1st grade. The next election that I cared about? The one where Dubya was elected, when I was in 8th grade. During some of the most crucial times in my young life, he was my President. Obviously, since I was so young, I didn't hold any opinion on him other than "dud3 ur k3lwi3z" but since the social blight on his career involved something I didn't even care about -- do you think I give a crap who he's getting head from? heeeeell no. -- I never saw anything that would indicate I should dislike him.

*flops.* Nai. And it saddens me that the Democrats are swiftly losing time to organise and nominate themselves a strong candidate for 2004. I want a Democratic president again. Gore .. neh. I'd really have to go over his positions on things, because I haven't ever gotten any real strong "presidential material" vibes from him, but if we could find someone .... >.<

Unusually dark-mood-ish today, possibly due to the lack of painkillers, which has resulted in not only the sensation that my face bones are attempting to separate themselves (something that even the most zealous of pressure-point-poking isn't relieving) but the realisation that, without painkillers, my shoulders hurt a lot. x_x Ugh. My right eyesocket. Just ... die, already.

On the positive side, I finished all my English reading, all the APUSH homework that's due this week, and only have 3 weeks of Math homework to make up by tomorrow. :D I kin do this, yesh ah kin.

And now, leaving you to a Democrat's concession.
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