Fevered filing

Feb 21, 2016 11:54

Obviously the next thing that happened was that I got hit by what was probably this winter's flu and spent two days in bed unable to move, which was tiresome and painful. This morning I woke up and the fever seems to have broken so I'm mostly just contending with the mother of all sore throats. It's not great, but it's better than I have been.

While my brain was cooking with fever it was trying to create a weird conflation of magic and data processing where it could file away aspects of things to create... something? So a person or their place in a story would be defined by a the way these aspects were slotted together. This was also to do with magic and also a literal filing system, one of which probably comes from watching Once Upon A Time with herecirm and the other from... I don't actually know. But every time I closed my eyes for the last two days my brain was back to obsessively filing aspects or deriving them or creating them and putting them in their drawers so I thought I'd note it down. Maybe I'll have a use for this information later, or maybe I'll just look back on it and think "oh yeah, brains are weird when you cook them."
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