Come and learn with us this summer

Mar 09, 2011 17:05

Horsey folk and friends of horsey folk: Karen, who organises our clinics with Steve Halfpenny, is saving places on our June clinic ( June 16-19th near Mayfield in East Sussex ) for riders new to learning with Steve. This is a great opportunity to come and learn with the best horse trainer currently teaching in the UK in a group where everyone is working at a similar level. I think most people serious about getting their horses working well with them would get a lot out of these clinics and I strongly recommend them. They are also great fun socially and regulars on these clinics have all made impressive progress over the last few years. You can get an idea of the kind of things we do from the reports on my clinics tag. If you're interested or you know anyone else who may be, why not contact Karen using silversandclinics[at] for more information.
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