Missions complete

Feb 27, 2011 22:25

This weekend we were very privileged to have a visit from herecirm, who has been going on about meeting our ponies and coming out to ride on our trails for ages, so not before time.

We completed a selection of high-precision missions including Mission Obtain Mead, Mission Consume Mead, Mission Elude Ape-trolls and Mission Maximum Adventure.

On Saturday afternoon, in between rain showers, Sari got to meet a Zorro. I was planning for us to take the ponies out for a ride on Sunday, so I figured she could get used to the way he goes ( or doesn't ) and steers.

Then we went off to our local winery and acquired a selection of mead. In the evening we borrowed my parents' house as they had a dog that needed looking after, had tremendous dinner largely thanks to sleepsy_mouse, drank some mead and took Pip out for a night-time bounce during which we were at not stage attacked by ape-trolls.

This morning we caught a brief window of opportunity to go out for a trail ride. This was before we got to Xefira's house, so I was still on foot- I had the privilege of riding a little sweet Lusitano for the day.

Heading off down onto the common.

Zorro and herecirm climbing a hill. It is really nice to see my Cob being a trail horse for someone else.

Zorro and Xefira meet over a muddy puddle.

Zorro marching along the side of the ridge. Xefira wanted to be ahead of Zorro mostly and he wouldn't have minded, but I didn't want my horse behind her back feet as I know how she can be...

Heading through the stream. Nothing worse than a rider who insists on taking pictures the whole time...

I like the fact that Small is just wandering off towards a stile here. He may not have realised that stiles aren't traditionally for horses.

Just as we got back it started raining, so our timing was pretty much spot on and it was really nice to be able to show off our trails and my big bless pony who was ever so good. A really nice ride and a really enjoyable weekend.


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