Getting ready to ride...

Apr 21, 2010 16:04

After work today it's straight to ponies, pack Zorro into the lorry and off we go to ride with Tom and Sarah Widdicombe for the next few days.

I'm really looking forward to seeing them again and having a few days of spring weather to enjoy being with my pony and working on our riding should be really good fun and help us pick up our work.

A little anxious about the journey though because it will be our longest journey in the new horsebox and it will be my longest ever solo horsebox drive with a horse on board, but I'm sure we'll survive. Also sleepsy_mouse can't be along for a while because she's not got the leave to be away, so I'm going to miss her...

I had agreed to take Xefira out for a ride on Sunday and as life_of_tom was around we dragged him out with us. She was a very good and clever pony- quite happy to follow people on foot but when we went off a little ahead of them ( just to see how we got along ) her head and her heartrate picked up but she was also alert and interested in everything going on around her and didn't slow down or try to stop, I think she'll be really great at hacking out alone...

Riding down the trail. Not sure about that Dr Cooks bitless bridle, though. Feels a bit spongy to me - I prefer something that offers a bit more immediacy and feel down the rein.

I like this picture, so you're going to have to handle it being stupid big. life_of_tom, you're an artist!


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