Feathers and footballs

Apr 20, 2010 00:30

With Small Pony still not being well enough for the extended adventures that he loves doing, we've been trying hard to think up interesting things to keep him entertained. On Sunday we brought a gym ball from home ( my old office chair ) to see what he thought of it.

He wasn't tremendously impressed- he went over and explored it, nudged it around a little and then looked at us in a "that's fine, now what?" kind of way.

Later on when I brought Zorro in ( mostly in the interests of using life_of_tom as a test subject for Zorro as a beginner's lunge horse ) we still had the ball around so we thought it would be fun to see what Zorro thought of it.

Apparently football is the kind of sport that cobs, especially cobs who really like stomping on stuff, are quite good at. It was one of those moments you really wish you have a video camera.

Fortunately, we had a video camera:

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