Is anyone but me getting absolutely fed up with the "WHITE TEETH NOW ZOMG!oneityeleven!" ads? Teeth are an aggressive thing. In a face they are friendly with a nice smile. but when it's just teeth and gums in a picture, they are very aggressive, and personally, I don't care to stare at someones chops all day while I'm trolling the internet. (as in
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By loading the whole Mozilla Firefox directory onto a USB flash drive, I can use my browser on any computer in the city! And I'd like to see the system administrators try and stop me.
You don't say? Well it's a good thing I came prepared! *eyegleam*
By loading the whole Mozilla Firefox directory onto a USB flash drive,*camera spins around you a few times and then you turn toward me holding isaid usb up like a sword* I can use my browser on any computer in the city! And I'd like to see the system administrators try and stop me.
KYAHAHAHAHAHA *laughing so hard you're bent over half backward a'la Hellsing's Anderson*
But it still sounds a bit awkward. But yes. I likes it. Muahahah.
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