Loony bins

Apr 10, 2009 10:29

Ok, that hangs it, I have officially gone INSANE.

This morning on the way to work, I was thinking about the Gundam Shoot we're doing next year for the MTAC Oddyssey when something insane popped into my head and I want to do it.

A full size Gundam cockpit.

Yeah. Insane. Footpedals, seat, restraints, joysticks, keypads, monitors and all. I wanna do it. Full sized fiberglass case.

I have NEVER worked with fiberglass before. I know it's expensive. as would be all of the other stuff that I'd have to do. but I WANT TO DO IT!

It would probably take forever, longer than I have until next year, and certainly more than my income would allow for free cash, but do you know how AWESOME that would look?
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