Come on get higher, loosen my lips [for karlamartinova]

Mar 05, 2011 01:46

Title:Come on get higher, loosen my lips
Author: nork_ftw
Rating: hmm, I'd guess a light R?
Words:4,424[most I've written ever i think]
Pairing(s):Lea Michele/Dianna Agron
Summary:Lea lets out a tired sigh; all she originally wanted to do was go home, cuddle up with Dianna and just chill. Damn, when did their lives get so normal?
Warnings: first time writing Glee RPS
Disclaimer: Complete and total fiction,don't own nothing.
Notes:Beta'ed by the lovely icerose92 This was way longer then I thought it would be and I hope I didn't break any rules for making an OC because they weren't in it for long. The story wrote it's self honestly, first thing I've written in a very long time and I'm proud of it. The dress I thinly reference here is this one. This is painfully AU, and Lea centric and not purposely and I'm so surprised at how fluffy it is because i'm not a very fluffy person IRL lol :3 I took a little bit of everything prompts and I wanted to incorporate them all somehow and I hope you can tell and enjoy it :) title from the Matt Nathanson song and cut text from the Spill Canvas song Lullaby

Lea loves her job; Glee is the favorite part of her day okay? “I believe you.” She likes pulling up to the set early and watching the California sun rise, she likes greeting all her fellow cast mates with their preferred caffeinated drinks and a hug. She likes rubbing Mark’s Mohawk and stealing Cory’s pretzels while walking to her trailer. She likes putting on Rachel clothes for the day, putting herself into Rachel Mode. She likes the rush of a last minute reading of her script while getting her tattoo covered in makeup and last minute fixes are done to her hair and hearing the PA crackle out of a walkie, “We need Ms. Michele on set in five.” She likes the comical sprinting she does with said PA to the set, giggling the whole way pretending, she’s a big government official and she’s being escorted by a KGB agent.

But what Lea loves more than Glee, is leaving Glee and not in a bad way. She likes the rumbling applause at the end of the day after they declare, “That’s a wrap.” She likes taking Rachel off and putting Lea back on. She likes saying bye to her fellow cast mates, hugging them and making plans for the weekend to hang out. She likes rubbing Mark’s mohawk before leaving and stealing Cory’s chips on the way out. She likes packing her bag with basically a week’s worth of clothes she left in her trailer [she swears that trailer is her 3rd home, 1st being New York 2nd being California] to take home to wash. She likes waving to the man in the parking booth at the front of the studio lot. “Have a nice weekend!” She chirps from her car window, smiling when the man grins wide waving back like his life depended on it.

“You too, Ms. Michele!”

If there’s anything else she loves more than leaving the Glee set, its Dianna, and Lea prides herself on loving a lot of different things; she’s big on culture. She loves the mixtape Dianna leaves in her car for her to listen to on the ride home and yes it’s an actual cassette tape; Dianna is authentic like that. She loves the sticky note that Dianna sticks on her gear shift. Everyday it’s a different message. Today its: “You are beautiful - love Di” and just seeing that blue sticky note from the corner of her eye and listening to her and Dianna’s favorite songs on the surprisingly clear freeway puts the biggest smile on Lea’s face and just yes leaving the Glee set is one of her favorite parts of the day.

She loves walking into her home to Dianna, sprawled out across the couch engrossed in a book with a cup of Earl Grey on a coaster on the end table. Johnny, Shelia, and Claude are at the end of the couch engaged in a ‘cats and dogs coexisting domestically union’ meeting as Dianna calls them. She loves the way Dianna’s face lights up when she walks through the threshold with a “Honey, I’m home!” And she clambers off the couch to give Lea a kiss.

“I missed you.”

“You just saw me earlier, but I missed you too silly.”

She loves the way Dianna gets excited over their daily baking endeavors. “I baked you a cake!”

“Oh really, huh?” Lea asks teasingly, reaching for the bag she dropped on the floor. “Well I stopped by Qaxaca’s and got you a cupcake!”


“Yes, Qaxaca.”

“Oh goodness, try saying that five times!”

“Ahh, no, thank you.” Lea giggles while pulling the cupcake out of her bag and handing it to Dianna with a “For you my love” and a short courtesy.

“Why, thank you,” Dianna coos, taking the packaged baked good, placing it next to her cup of Earl Grey.

Lea picks up Shelia, rubbing her head right behind her ears. “And how were my lovelies today?” She asked. Claude and Johnny crowd around her like children on Show and Tell day. Johnny barks up at the question as Claude paws at Lea’s leg. “I’m taking it you guys were good,” she laughs. “The big mean ole monster didn’t hurt you guys?”

Gasp! “I would never!”

“Joking babe, jok-ing,” she enunciates.

“OH!” Dianna squeals running to their bedroom [every time one of them refers to something in the apartment they share as “ours” Lea gets this warm feeling in her gut and she feels overwhelmingly content]. “I bought a dress today!” Dianna announces from the bedroom. Lea can hear the tell-tale signs of a shopping bag being opened.

“You buy a dress every week, babe. What’s so different about this one?” She asks putting down the cat and walking down the hallway to the bedroom, following the dim light from their closet where Dianna was getting the dress.

“Well…nothing. I just think you will like this dress a lot though…after you help me put it on.” Dianna giggles.

“Is it some contraption like Gaga would wear?” Lea asks, voice full of mirth and curiosity.

“Well, not really,” Dianna quips, voice muffled by the lacy top half of the dress going over her face. “You might wanna come in here and help me now.”


“Yeah, oh.”

Lea walks into the closet to help. “Oh.” She takes the time to appreciate Dianna’s legs for a while. “I get why everybody practically comes over my legs, I mean look at them.” She pulls up her pant leg, kicks her leg in the air, and flexes her foot, making her calf muscle more pronounced. “But yours don’t get enough love, Di, I swear.” Giggling as Dianna struggles to get the dress on, the sight is quite comical to Lea. Frustrated and starting to get tired, Dianna pulls what part of the dress that was on her off, the muscles in her forearms burning from keeping her arms up for so long.

“I thought you were going to help me,” she whines, putting the dress back on the hanger but hanging it on the door of the closet. “But you were too busy being a - you know what? Never mind, I’ll just return the dress.”

Lea sobers up quickly. “No, no, no, babe, you don’t have to return the dress. I’m sorry I was acting kinda bitchy, but you can’t lie, you do have some nice legs…not nice as mine though.”


“What? I’m sorry but its true!”

“When did you get so self-centered?”

“I’m not self-centered though. I just know how much I’m worth and I use it. You like to water yourself down. Sometimes being humble isn’t the way to go. If you got it, flaunt it!” Lea preaches, walking over to Dianna putting her hands on her hips, gently rubbing the slightly protruding bone there. A little smirk appears at the flush red that shows up under her thumb and Dianna’s sigh, Dianna is looking everywhere but at her. “Heeey,” she draws out, and one of her hands finds itself on Dianna’s cheek. “Look at me, I’ve got a question for you,” she coos, her smirk growing into a full blown smile at Dianna’s attempts to ignore her. Her right hand never leaves Dianna’s hip, rubbing full clockwise circles and making it impossible for Dianna to ignore her, but Dianna will try her hardest to.

“What do you want?” Dianna mumbles defeated and somewhat aroused; Lea knows her hips are a hot spot for her, but Lea likes to play dirty to get what she wants and it always seems to work.

“I wanna help you try on the new dress that you bought so I can swoon over how fucking beautiful you are. Then, I want to get you out of the dress and maybe we can have a little fun. Does that sound doable for you right now?” Lea asks roughly. Being in close proximity of Dianna in very little clothes has fogged Lea’s brain with want; it’s making her want to get naked and forget all about the dress.

“Only if you pay for the movie,” Dianna demands. She prides herself for keeping her voice in control despite her body being out of it.

“Yeah, sure, whatever you want, Di,” Lea mumbles, losing restraint and assaulting her neck with kisses and nips, trying her hardest not to leave a mark. “Let me go get my laptop and see what’s on Netflix.”

“N-no Lea, I wanna get a movie from Blockbuster.”

“Wait, what?” Lea asks flabbergasted, looking up at Dianna. Leaving the house [and their bed] was not part of the plan she had made up in her head.

“You wanted to compromise with me, we do it on my terms,” Dianna states firmly. Lea shudders at the Quinn she hears in her wife’s voice.

“Well fine...” Lea gives in, going back to town on Dianna’s neck. “Just don’t pick any of those obscure documentaries where we would have to turn the captions on and I end up reading more than I would like, I wanna watch a good scary movie.”

“Well we better get a move on with this dress then.” With willpower she didn’t even know she possessed, Dianna takes Lea’s hands off of her, ignoring the pout on the shorter woman’s face, and reaches for the hanger.


“What abou-“

“No, I said no documentaries.”


“No. I’m paying for this movie, so I should have a say in what we watch, and honestly babe, we watch waaay too many documentaries.”

“You say it like it’s a bad thing…”

“No, never. It’s just that, maybe we should just switch it up for once, especially since I’m paying for it."

"That is true, you’re right. You never told me how you like my new dress, by the way,” Dianna says.

“I think you know how much I liked you in that dress, Dianna,” Lea murmurs while leaning into the shelf in the Horror section, reading the back of a DVD she was holding and flushing at the actions that occurred after they finally got the dress on and had then taken it right back off.

“Well, you didn’t verbalize how you felt about it.”

“Um, I’m pretty sure I verbalized how I felt about the dress, Di.”

“Oh, I know you did, it’s just nice to hear it again,” Dianna retorts, gliding up behind Lea and wrapping her arms around her tiny waist. She grins at Lea melting into her, her head fitting perfectly in her neck, right under Dianna’s chin.


“Yes, really.” Lea giggles at the nonsense of it all, Dianna gets complimented on her looks all the time, yet she’s asking for one from Lea; her opinions and compliments are the only ones that matter to Dianna. “You looked absolutely gorgeous in that dress…and you need to vacuum those feathers off the closet floor when we get home, by the way.”

“Hmm, thank you baby,” Dianna chims in, pressing her chin at the crown of Lea’s head, inhaling the fruity scent of her shampoo and just really feeling so content and in love. It was that stupid kind of in love that makes you want to just shout out to the rooftops or sing those super intense love songs by The Spill Canvas. She squeezes Lea tighter and kisses the top of her head. “I love you a lot you know that right? Please tell me you love me, too.”

“Oof,” Lea squeezes out, the shock of Dianna tightening her hold on her caused the DVD to drop out of her hands and she turns around in Dianna’s hold to face her. “Yes Di, of course I love you,” Lea answers almost immediately, reaching up and cupping Dianna’s face with both hands and rubbing her thumbs over her cheekbones. They meet halfway for a kiss. Lea tries to put all the love she feels into that kiss. They pull away breathless, lips bruised and wet, pupils blown wide.

“Whoa, those two hot ladies are making out,” one of the workers at the counter whispered to his colleague. He didn’t look a day over seventeen. His coworker slapped him across the back of the head with a silent force. “Shit, India! Why the fuck did you do that?”

“Have some tact, Harry.” The young lady had recognized the duo the minute they walked into the store and they were obviously having a private moment that shouldn’t be shattered by an immature man-child.

“I don’t see why you needed to hit-“

“Just go in the back and count popcorn or something.”

“Really, India? Really? Go count popcorn? Wow,” the disbelieving young man mutters the whole walk back to storage. Watching him walk all the way to storage and making sure he closed the door, the young lady situates herself against the counter and continues to watch the scene before her.

Still continuing their stare off, Lea breaks the comfortable silence [she thinks its kinda suspicious that they don’t play music at this particular Blockbuster] and takes her left hand off of Dianna’s still very warm cheeks and shows off the rock on her ring finger. “Dianna, if I didn’t love you I wouldn’t of married you at the crack ass of dawn at the courthouse in my sweatpants when it was eighty-five degrees outside and the courthouse had no AC. So don’t ever, ever, ever, ever doubt my love okay?”

“Okay,” Dianna answers, sounding incredibly wooed and in awe.

“And where did even come from, Di? I never pegged you as the clingy type while we were dating,” Lea asks, running the tips of her fingers against Dianna’s back to calm her; Dianna’s sudden and desperate plea for a declaration of forever love had thrown her off to be honest.

“Oh goodness, I don’t even know It was random, I know,” Dianna answers, clearly confused with herself. She ran her hand through Lea’s hair; she didn’t know where the sudden need came from either.

“Well I still love you, random clinginess and all,” Lea states, catching Dianna’s bottom lip in a kiss.

A rather loud, dreamy sigh and, “You two are so perfect,” comes from the counter and shakes them out of their bubble and back into the real world. Disengaging themselves from each other, they turn to the sound, looking at the young girl like she had three heads. Not expecting them to actually hear her, she jolts up from the counter top and grabs a dusting rag, the closest thing to her, and busies herself. “Don’t mind me, I’m just counting popcorn.” She turns around, wiping down more counter top.

“Okay, so I know I’m not seeing things. She was clearly not counting popcorn,” Dianna quips, stealing a giggle out of Lea who turns around and bends over to pick up the dropped DVD She lets out a small squeal when Dianna affectionately pinches her backside. “Did your mom ever tell you-“

“That I have a good future behind me? Yes. Oh my god, Dianna, you don’t even try anymore,” Lea laughs out.

“I don’t have to try much anymore since I got you.”

“Ooooh no, you still have to use your best lines to charm me. It keeps the relationship fresh.”

“Oh really, now?”

“Yes really, I don’t want us to be one of those ‘some sex couples’.”

Dianna looks at Lea ridiculously and shakes her head. “What is a ‘some sex couple’?” Dianna’s innocence was truly adorable sometimes.

“It’s a couple that only has sex sometimes. I saw it on Urban”


“Yeah, I know, and I don’t want that to happen to us.”

“Well it won’t, so what have you got there?” Dianna asks, once again wrapping Lea in an embrace from behind and reading over her shoulder [practically her head, if they wanted to go there].

“Blair Witch Project” Lea states, relaxing into her wife’s arms. “You wanna watch a documentary and I wanna watch something scary. It’s the best of both, plus it has ghosts and I know your morbid ass likes them, and I’m trying to win cool points with my wifey.”

“I am not morbid.” Dianna scoffs while trying not to act completely impressed with Lea’s decision making skills. Lea is really getting into this ‘we’re married so we have to comprise’ thing and Dianna loves the effort.

“I’m sorry, babe, but you, my friend, are morbid. You like ghosts, skulls, cemeteries, and other paranormal shit.”

“Cursing isn’t very becoming of you, you know that, right?”

“I know right? That shit is so not fucking cool.”

“Now you’re just being intentionally crass. but I still love you. Potty mouth and all,” Dianna says.

“How about you give this potty mouth a kiss?”

“How about you keep it in your pants, pay for the movie, and when we get home I can do more than just kiss you?”

“I like your idea way more than mine,” Lea says.

“I figured you would.” The two women walk hand and hand to front counter where the young lady is still “counting popcorn”.

Lea slaps the DVD case down onto the counter, shaking up the young girl’s nerves a bit. “Oh my god, you scared me!” She exclaims.

“Boo,” Lea deadpans.

“Lea! Be nice,” Dianna hisses, slapping her wife on the arm.

“Oh my gosh, no, it’s okay. I get scared easily,” the girl gushes.

“So how much do I owe this fine establishment for this rental?” Lea asks.

“Oh, it’s on the house. Just bring it back next Thursday.”

“Oh, no, we can’t take this for free,” Dianna insists.

“Nooo, it’s okay! I want you to.”

“No, we just can’t do that. It wouldn’t be fair. Lea, give the girl a couple of dollars,” Dianna says.

“Why do I have to give the girl a couple of dollars? You do it!”

“Well, I left my wallet at home and you were originally going to pay anyways,” Dianna states.

“Then why the hell did you bring your purse?” Lea asks, eyeing the purse hanging from Dianna’s shoulder.

“It goes with the outfit, Lea,” Dianna answers like it’s the simplest thing in the whole world.

“You know what?”

“What?” Dianna asks teasingly.

Lea lets out a tired sigh all she originally wanted to do was go home, cuddle up with her wife and just chill. Maybe have a glass or wine or two, maybe sit in the tub that they moonlighted as a jacuzzi because of the jets, but no she’s in blockbuster manually renting a DVD for her and her wife to watch because she got a little short with her over a freaking dress and making up for it with sex was not enough. Damn, when did their lives get so normal?

“I can’t believe you gave that girl just a dollar!”

“What? She didn’t even want that. She obviously was okay with giving us a free rental; I don’t see the problem there.”

“She deserved more than a dollar.”

“That’s what her pay check is for, love. It’s over and done now. Can you go get the popcorn? The microwave ended five minutes ago,” Lea squeaks out while popping the cork out of a bottle of Valbona and pouring it into two glasses on the coffee table. She picks up the remote and presses play at the start of the movie’s menu . She turns up the volume as the opening credits start. Taking a long leisure sip from her glass Lea stretches out across the couch, finally feeling the stress from the long day leave her bones.

Dianna walks back into the living room with a big bowl of popcorn and stares at Lea, confused. “Where am I supposed to sit?”

“You could just lie on top of me, you know.”

“No…I actually want to watch the movie for once.”

“Suit yourself.” Dianna just giggles, placing the bowl on the table next to the glasses and sitting down next to a now sitting Lea. She snuggles up into Lea’s side to watch the beginning of the movie unfold.


“This movie is utter crap why did you think I would like this?” Dianna whines an hour into the movie. The bottle of wine is empty, bowl of popcorn is more than half gone, and she’s had enough.

“It has ghosts and its supposedly a ‘documentary’, so I thought you would like it. Plus it’s scary for me!”

“Lea, this movie is as predictable as Cory getting choreography down pat the first time he learns it. Watch, the guy that’s running is going to fall.” Lo and behold, the guy running on the screen falls as he’s being chased.

“You know, I’ve got some Jersey Shore on the DVR that I haven’t watched yet. I could call John and ask him if he wants to have an impromptu Jersey Shore watch along right now if you don’t want to watch this anymore,” Lea snips.

“Oh no, oh heavens, you know I absolutely abhor that show. Would you really do that?”

“You bet your gorgeous ass I would!”

“Would you really?” Dianna questions Lea, turning over where she was sitting, still under Lea’s arm. She scoots up and starts placing wet, hot, open mouthed kisses right under Lea’s, ear hoping to get her so turned on that she would turn off the awful movie.

“H-HEY! No, no, no, you can’t do that to get out of watching this; you were the one that wanted to rent a movie manually and let me choose. It’s almost over now stop trying to distract me with your feminine wiles and watch the movie.”

“Fine, but I’ll need more wine then, maybe something stronger.” Dianna huffs and stalks into the kitchen with her glass.

“Bring me some, too, please, babe, while you’re in there.”




“That’s it?”

“Yeah, Di. That’s it. The credits rolled and everything.”

“Don’t be facetious, Lea.”

“I wasn’t! I don’t know what you expected from this movie. It wasn’t one of those documentaries you watch that leave you feeling like a changed person with a new outlook on life, and it’s a 90’s horror film so I don’t even know why you were hoping for quality.” Lea gets up with a stretch and starts walking towards their bedroom, leaving Dianna to sit on the couch to stew in her confusion.

“I never saw it when it first came out. I think I was twelve or thirteen. I don’t remember,” Lea says while rummaging through their dresser, looking for something to wear to sleep. She looks up when she hears Dianna’s footsteps enter the room.

“You were thirteen,” Dianna chirps knowingly while taking her socks off at the end of the bed [she prides herself on knowing every tiny detail about Lea’s life without it being borderline creepy, and it comes in handy when Lea tries to tell her funny stories about her childhood and she knows the anecdote and can laugh along].

“But, then again, at thirteen I was focused on my already steady career and the next year I started the-“

“Workshops for Spring Awakening” Dianna finishes for her, walking into their bathroom and leaning against the wall to watch Lea wash her face.

“You know, if you weren’t so damn cute, you knowing my whole life would be really creepy.”

“Well, someone has to write the Very Detailed Tell-All Biography when you get old.”

“And I only trust that you would do it justice. Maybe Jon would, but I bet yours would sell very well.” Lea laughs as she throws the towel in the basket


Lea likes normal things, like taking a hike on a nice sunny day, or an abnormally long bath while playing passion pit at a very loud volume. She likes movie nights [movies that she got from Netflix or personally owns thank you very much] with all her friends and good wine. She likes watching trashy reality shows and laughing at Dianna’s reactions [“Did she really have to turn over the table like that?” “Yes! She called her a whore Dianna! She had every right to flip the table over!”].

But she loves how painfully domestic her life has become. She loves that she is Dianna’s alarm clock in the morning. She loves how Dianna cooks breakfast and she cooks dinner, but they always wash the dishes together. She loves the weekend vacations to Mendocino and their weekly date night. She loves how they can’t get through the day without saying “I love you” to each other at least six times before its even noon. She loves how they get into tiny arguments over which brand of butter to buy at the grocery store and how Lea shouldn’t eat cheese [“But it tastes sooooo good baby, I don’t see what the problem is.” “It isn’t vegan.” “And?” Lea pouts “….fine but only get the small package. I’m going to have to wean you off cheese soon.” “I love you, too.”]. She loves how they have the same picture of them on their respective nightstands [Dianna sleeps on the left, Lea on the right].

Lea lies down into bed and turns to her left and watches the blonde with a smile. Dianna finished reading a page in her novel and puts it in the drawer of her nightstand. “What?” Dianna asks. She’s used to being stared at, but it’s always Lea’s piercing brown eyes that make her shiver every time she looks at her.

“Nothing, just that I’m really happy with you and this life we’ve made together,” Lea states wistfully while moving closer to Dianna and wrapping her arms around her waist under the covers.

“Aww so it’s your turn to be uncharacteristically clingy,” Dianna coos and moves over to wrap her arms around Lea’s shoulders, pulling her practically on top of her in the middle of the bed [Lea loves looking at their bed when its unmade and there is just one petite dent in the sheets]. They become entangled in each other.

“Yes,” Lea laughs into her best friend’s - no - wife’s neck. No wait...she’s both, Lea thinks and looks up at Dianna. They meet halfway in a kiss. “Yes, it’s my turn to be uncharacteristically clingy now.”

Dianna reaches across the bed, never letting Lea go, and turns off her lamp. “Well, it’s okay because I’m really happy with you and the life we’ve made together, too.”

“You better be.”

Dianna sighs contentedly. “Goodnight, Lea.”

“Goodnight, Pookie.”

“Pookie? Really? Wow.”

“Shut up and go to sleep, Dianna.”

AN: wow, so that's it! I hope you liked it, I originally was a bit confused on whether you wanted 'leaving the glee set' or leaving the glee show' and I picked the happier choice between the two haha and I learned so much while googling "organic wine" and I don't know if could ever drink wine again haha

pairing: agron/michele, rating: r, member: karlamartinova, member: nork_ftw

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