Watched From Afar by missbeizy

Apr 27, 2013 03:16

Title: Watched From Afar
Author: missbeizy
Reader: oohshinyfangirl
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Set post-4x14, Blaine visits Kurt in New York. Adam walks in on them.
Author Notes: So, I totally have a "couples getting walked in on" kink. I also kind of wanted to just neener neener a little bit. This is somewhat indulgent, in that regard, and a little unlikely, but it's--fun. ;) There's no actual Adam content or confrontation or any Adam hate (I don't hate the character at all!). Just hot sexings and love. So no angst (uh unless you really ship Kadam). ENJOY. :)
File Info: mp3, 30.44MB, 26:35
Download: MediaFire
Crossposted: amplificathon, kurt_blaine, personal lj, AO3
Notes: I am so ridiculously in love with missbeizy's ability to fit characterization into hot and sexy fic. If you enjoy the story, go give her some love!
Points: 5 fandom + 5 relationship x 3 = 30

file:mp3, reader:oohshinyfangirl, pairing:blaine/kurt, category:slash, !not archived

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