Discovered by missbeizy

Mar 24, 2013 01:51

Title: Discovered
Author: missbeizy
Reader: oohshinyfangirl
Rating: Explicit
Summary: PWP. Marking kink. Sequel to Marked.
File Info: mp3, 13.24MB, 11:34
Download: MediaFire
Crossposted: amplificathon, kurt_blaine, personal lj, AO3
Notes: I was so happy that missbeizy agreed to let me podfic some of her stories. They're smokin' hot with feelings - another of my favorite flavors! If you like the story, go give missbeizy some love!
Points: 5 fandom + 5 relationship X 2 length = 20

file:mp3, reader:oohshinyfangirl, category:slash, !not archived

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