Dammit Mother

Aug 19, 2010 16:00

Well, she was certainly perceptive, as I had hope she would be. We didn't have a bid ole discussion about whether I would stay or not. She DID say that I'm going to go with her at least until school starts, which, ok, I'll give you that. And there's a college near my Grandma's house and apparently if you get in you can take high school courses and general education courses or something. Of course, I'm a smarty pants so it's almost a sure thing I'll be able to get in.

Dammit Mother, I've more or less gotten over the family angle, now it's a choice between my friends and a good oppurtunity education wise...urgh! And it's actually a tough choice D: The courses at the college start a full week before the other school, so I told my mom I would test it out. If I can find any super nerdy dorks in that week I'm afraid I may actually stay...OH GOD IT'S SO TEMPTING, AGAIN, FORKS IN THE ROAD OF LIFE ARE EEEEEEVIIIIIIIIIL.

I was taking a shower earlier and listening to this band, Reliant K. I'M NOT SURE HOW I FEEL ABOUT RELATING TO THIS SONG. Oh, and the headache I had? It was because I hadn't eaten dinner or breakfast. AND THEN I NOMMED SOME TACOS AND THEY WERE YUMMY OM NOM NOM.

Ok, break time from my angst. To everyone who lives in the US, there's...I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT POLITICS THAT I DIDN'T LEARN FROM MISHA, DAMMIT. There's a bill or something, and from what I understand there haven't been enough senators that have signed it or something for it to pass. It's called the Safe Schools Improvement Act, and if I'm reading it correctly it will be amending another bill about preventing bullying so that it will have something about the LGBT community. If you DO live in the US you should write to your senator about it. I know we're all at the very least supportive of the LGBT community, and unfortunately there is still a lot of bullying going on in schools. CHEER ME UP AND WRITE TO YOUR SENATOR, OK?!?!?!?!? Don't know who your senator is? Click here.

Guys, if this bill gets passed, think about the people you have saved. Not only from aggressive deaths, but suicides and long-lasting emotional bullying. That stuff will still exsist, but it will be on a smaller scale. COME ON, RIDE THE HIGH FROM THE OVERTURNING OF PROP 8 AND DO MORE FOR THE LGBT COMMUNITY! WOOHOO!! *gay pride parade or something*

This is what I wrote, what do you guys think? Should I submit it like this?

Dear Senator Feinstein,

I am a sixteen year old student in a California public school. Through a friend, I have heard about the Safe Schools Improvement Act. I understand that it focuses on making schools safer for members of the LGBT community. I have a few family members and friends who are gay, and as far as I know they have been accepted by their community. However, I know this is not always the case. I have heard about many young people who have died, either by suicide or by the hands of people who believed they were wrong and evil because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. This thought sickens me and I hope that you will take the step to prevent more deaths and psychological damage and cosponser the Safe Schools Improvement Act.

ranty mcranterson, fandom rules my life, venting, best wishes and dftba, i'mma end up in the nuthouse

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