Oh my God...I just read an incredible Inception fic. It was Arthur/Eames, and I was of course drawn to it because the person who linked it summarized it with
Eames is stupid enough to fall in love with his projection of Arthur and seriously, I think I may love it a bit too much. It was amazing and I just love it so and yeah, so I'm a sucker for romantic-y plots, but whatever. This fic is just the thing tat mkes me the happiest at the moment and grrrrrrrrr I can't be sucked into another fandom! Actually, I haven't been reading fic lately...at least, not that much. (AND THIS FIC MADE ME REALIZE THAT I REALLY REALLY WANT TO SEE WET!JGL, COMPLETE WITH HIS HAIR STICKING TO HIS FACE. MMMMMM. AND WEARING A SUIT. BECAUSE THE SUIT CLINGING TO HIM....WAIT, DIDN'T THEY GET WET IN THE MOVIE...)
Ok, I'm going to stop my mental spazzy flailings and just give in and go read some more. Riiiiight after I attack google searching for wet!JGL *drool*