Saturday, September 11th - day 325 - Swear on Sunshine[Rachel & Quinn] Rachel does it for her, even if she knows it'll hurt, she deserves to know.
Sunday, September 12th - day 326 - Still Have Dancing Feet[Quinn & Mike] After Ice Ice Baby, a compliment from Mike makes Quinn think.
Monday, September 13th - day 327 - Sing it Still[Rachel & Santana] It's dare songs day, and Santana has a good one for Rachel...
Tuesday, September 14th - day 328 - A Cheerio Sandwich[Kurt, Santana, Brittany] On the bus to nationals, the trio discusses victory, defeat, and Celine...
Wednesday, September 15th - day 329 - Through the Looking Glass[Jesse(/Rachel), J/AU!Q] Spending more of his day in this new world, Jesse discovers more information.
Thursday, September 16th - day 330 - Hear Me Out[Jacob/Suzy] Jacob is finding there's someone out there for him...
Friday, September 17th - day 331 - Can't Easily Forget[Shelby & Beth] Shelby's got plans for this new life of hers... a job.... a house, a garden...