HSN Exchange Fic: four times Tina Cohen-Chang kissed a boy... for forsillyfools

Aug 11, 2010 18:34

Title: four times Tina Cohen-Chang kissed a boy and one time she kissed a girl (and liked it)
Rating: NC-17
Pairings/Characters: Tina, Tina/Mike, Tina/Artie, Tina/Finn, Tina/Puck, Tina/Santana
Warnings: none
Word count: ~ 9500
Disclaimer: This Glee fanfiction is based upon the television show of the same name. All characters and situations other than ( Read more... )

pairing: artie/tina, pairing: puck/tina, rating: nc 17, pairing: mike/tina, character: tina cohen-chang, author: becca_radcgg, pairing: finn/tina, character: puck, ! hot summer nights fic exchange, character: finn hudson, character: santana lopez, pairing: santana/tina, character: mike chang, character: artie abrams

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Comments 27

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anonymous August 15 2010, 07:39:36 UTC
\o/ I'm happy that it didn't make you frown and say WTF? :D

This fic idea actually came to me pretty easily. I knew that I wanted to do a five things fic (they're my favourite - shhhh, don't tell) and that it needed to have sexytimes, so it seemed obvious that the fic should be about Tina's growing sexual awareness. I did plan it out that way so that each segment could be read as a story of it's own, but in my headcanon they're all the same lifetime. I'm glad that you enjoyed the Finn/Tina scene. That was definitely my favourite of the bunch, though, the femslash (which I never EVER write) came to me fully formed and was the first section I completed.

I'm so glad that you enjoyed it!


burn_to_emerge August 12 2010, 00:46:31 UTC
*fans self* There needs to be more Tina fic, and this was just delicious. The porn was hot (especially the Finn/Tina, which is a pairing I'd never really considered before), but more than that, I love the way you write the emotional part of sex and romance, especially in the Artie/Tina bit.

♥ Fantastic.


burn_to_emerge August 15 2010, 07:45:40 UTC
Is there any Tina fic? Really? Send me in that direction, please and thank you! I was really worried about my characterization of Tina for that express purpose. I didn't really have anyone to draw inspiration from.

It was weird because of all the pairings I wrote for Tina, Finn/Tina was my favourite. Something about the silly, easy nature of what they do really got to me. Also as I was writing the Artie/Tina segment I realized that I was writing them as soulmates. You know, deep down in the gut, bonded together forever types.

It's funny that you mention the emotional part of sex and romance because that's a note I get from my beta ALL THE TIME. She says I have too much action and not enough internalization, so it's something I really tried to emphasize in this fic.

Thank you so much for your wonderful comment! :D


burn_to_emerge August 17 2010, 19:30:26 UTC
I actually do have a couple Tina recs (I hope you were serious about wanting them, and that I'm not just bothering you)

1. The Missouri Compromise, by chronic_lady. A really sweet and in-character Artie/Tina fic, set after "Wheels".

2. All the Single Ladies, by thenewradical. An girls ensemble Gen piece. Really lovely characterization of everyone.

3. Or Maybe You've Got Somewhere Else to Be, by summerstorm. Tina/Santana, R. The first fic I read that had Santana and Tina as major characters. Fantastic characterization of both of them. Tina especially is wonderful here. Plus, frankly, it's hot.

I love hearing your thoughts on the Finn/Tina and Artie/Tina bits. That just makes me like your fic even more. Especially the Artie/Tina soulmates bit. I adore those two together so much. ♥


becca_radcgg August 23 2010, 17:44:48 UTC
Thank you so much for the recs. I'd actually read that one by summerstorm before and LOVED IT! They were all fabulous. :D


badboy_fangirl August 12 2010, 01:17:59 UTC
I think I ship Finn/Tina! That was great. I loved all of it, and I'm not a huge Tina fan. It was just a great ensemble piece, and sweet and hot and sexy all the way through.

I like the possibility that Santana always knew there was something there between them. Maybe she put Britt up to the dare. *g*

She knows the exact moment Finn realizes what Puck’s doing because he shouts out. “Dude, seriously?”

SO GREAT! I could so hear Finn in my head!


badboy_fangirl August 15 2010, 07:52:14 UTC
BB, I love that you commented on this because we for reals never talked about this one. I heart you so much it hurts right now ( ... )


badboy_fangirl August 16 2010, 00:40:39 UTC
I like that I can pick out my favorite authors just by the quality of what they've written. This is by far one of my favorite stories of the exchange and I didn't know for sure if it was by someone I knew--though I suspected. Very well done, my little cupcake.

Finn/Tina FTW!


dontwannapanic August 12 2010, 01:45:46 UTC
Beyond amazing! You had me sucked in and caring about each boy (and girl) in Tina's sexual conquests. As for my favorite: something about Mike's vignette was super cute, but the Finn/Tina shower scene is what sold it for me. ♥

The open ending has left me wanting Puck/Santana/Tina, buh.

Loved it.


dontwannapanic August 15 2010, 07:57:24 UTC
I'm so glad that you liked it. I had a lot of anxiety about writing this because Tina has changed so much on the show in such a short period of time, but she's still a secondary character and so the glimpses we get of her are few and far between. Caring for each of them was exactly what I was going for! Yay! Success!!!

The Finn/Tina shower scene seems to be coming up a lot. I really liked the playfulness of that segment, personally.

Thanks for leaving such a thoughtful comment for me! :D


arsenicsugar August 12 2010, 02:27:30 UTC
Loved this so much ♥

Like the prompter, Tina is one of my favorite characters so I was so happy to see this was posted!

I loved how you managed to make this hot and bittersweet at the same time. Like, the changing relationship with Artie, her situation with Finn--broke my heart in the best possible way (especially since A/T is my Glee OTP).

I'm glad she got her happy ending. Santana/Tina/Puck? Yes, please :)


arsenicsugar August 15 2010, 08:02:51 UTC
I'm so pleased you liked it. I was really nervous about writing Tina, as I said above. I'm ecstatic that it's being received so warmly by so many people!

The A/T section was strange for me. I'm not an Artie/Tina shipper really. I enjoy them a great deal, and if they're together that's wonderful. But I can also see them both with other people. When I was writing that section, the characters really took over and the more I was with them, the more they seemed really destined for each other. Maybe not forever (as we found out) but while they were together it was a strange kind of perfect. Regardless of whether they get back together after the fic ends or whether they don't, I think they'll always be good friends.

Lots of people have been requesting the threesome as well. LOL. Thanks again!


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