HSN Exchange Fic: four times Tina Cohen-Chang kissed a boy... for forsillyfools

Aug 11, 2010 18:34

Title: four times Tina Cohen-Chang kissed a boy and one time she kissed a girl (and liked it)
Rating: NC-17
Pairings/Characters: Tina, Tina/Mike, Tina/Artie, Tina/Finn, Tina/Puck, Tina/Santana
Warnings: none
Word count: ~ 9500
Disclaimer: This Glee fanfiction is based upon the television show of the same name. All characters and situations other than my own are sole property of Ryan Murphy Productions and 20th Century Fox Television.
Summary: Four times Tina kissed a boy and one time she kissed a girl and liked it.
A/N: The people who’ve helped me know who they are and how valuable they are to me. I ♥ you all.

i. Mike
She’s fourteen years old when she has her first kiss. Her parents make her attend the Fourth of July celebration at the Chang house. Mike Chang is the youngest of the boys and he was in her year at Lima Middle School and will be at McKinley in the fall. They don’t really talk or anything. Tina thinks that’s mostly because she doesn’t talk at all. She’s pretty sure that Mike knows about her stutter, too, but she’s not eager to find out for certain.

The Fourth has always seemed like a weird holiday to Tina. Basically an excuse for her family to get together with all of the other Asian families in the area and celebrate the fact that they’re American. Every year they indulge in “American” food. Burgers, salads, hot dogs, chips, watermelon, lemonade, corn on the cob. All quintessential western foods. Along with the ice cream and cake that came later, which is always Tina’s favourite part.

The Changs are supposedly a distant relation on her mother’s side (something about a brother’s roommate’s best friend twice removed), but that doesn’t really make it any less awkward when she and Mike have to sit at the kid’s table. They’re the only two kids over the age of ten, but they have practically nothing in common. She knows that he’s been accepted onto the J.V. football team and she’s... well, she’s nothing. She’s invisible. And he’s pretty popular, hangs out with that jerk Noah Puckerman and his merry band of followers.

Tina’s halfway through her plate of food before Mike even looks at her. She only notices because he clears his throat first. It’s soft, but she hears it all the same. He’s looking at her like he’s waiting for something.

“S-s-s-s-so -“ she stutters, “do your p-p-p-parents have these things often?” She stabs a piece of cucumber with her fork before popping it into her mouth.

“Nah, only on the Fourth. The rest of the year we’re pretty antisocial as far as community events go. So, do you know if you have Mr. Billings for algebra next year?” His voice is kind. Maybe she’s over thinking this a little bit. He seems nice enough. Maybe he’s not like Puck.

“I...I’m not sure yet. I’ve heard he’s pretty tough though.” She scoops some more salad into her mouth and chews thoughtfully, watching as he inhales one burger. Somehow he manages to drip mustard, ketchup and relish on his shirt in a swirling pattern that makes her giggle.

“What?” He says as he pushes some mustard from the corner of his mouth onto his thumb, then his thumb into his mouth.

“You dropped some on your shirt,” she says as she hands him one of the napkins sitting in the middle of the table.

“Shit,” he whispers under his breath, wiping it off as best he can before picking up the next burger which is loaded up exactly the same way. “Wanna see if I can do it again?”

Tina laughs because she’s sure that he can and will with or without her approval. “Sure.”

“So, how come you didn’t go to the Lima Middle leaving party? I mean, it was basically just a dance. Which some people think is lame, but whatever. I had fun.” He’s smiling at her through the chunks of meat and bread he’s shoved into his mouth, and she thinks it’s kind of endearing that he seems to actually care that she didn’t show up.

“It just wasn’t really my scene,” she lies. “Honestly - I kind of didn’t think that anyone would notice.” It’s a truth she doesn’t really mean to reveal, but they’re sitting far enough away from the seven and eight year olds who are talking about starting a food fight with their vegetables, so they won’t notice or care.

“I totally noticed.” She throws him a look that says sure you did without even thinking about it. “I totally did. You were like the only other Asian at that school. Of course I’m going to notice when you’re not around. The price of being different, I guess.” He smirks at her, finishing off the burger just as she finishes off the last of her veggies. “Want to go play some Super Mario World?”

She likes video games and her parents never let her play. Besides, what is she going to do if she stays here? “Okay. But I want to be Luigi.”

“Seriously?” Mike picks up their plates, ready to throw them in the garbage. “Luigi. He’s your favourite?”

Tina just smiles and follows him into the house and up to his room.

She’s never really been in a boy’s room before. It’s kind of smelly. Not gross, but a little bit like corn chips and sweat. His bedspread is blue and yellow, and the bed made neatly. She wonders briefly if Mike’s mom makes him do hospital corners to his sheets just like Tina’s mom does.

He has shelves filled with books; some of them are about musicians. He has a sweet little MacBook with huge speakers set up. Maybe he’s into movies or music or something. The screensaver is on, a slide show of pictures of Mike and his friends from school as well as pictures of his brothers. She drags her hand across the touchpad just to see what’s in there, but Mike steps in front of her, closing down the screen carefully.

“Uh. You, uh, don’t want to see what’s on there right now,” he smiles sheepishly, and even though she’s only fourteen, she has a pretty good idea of what she would find if she were to open up a few folders on Mike’s computer.

The Nintendo system makes the beeping sound to say that it’s ready and Mike hands her a controller. They’re both able to sit on the end of his bed pretty comfortably. The first time he dies about ten seconds in, she wonders if he’s doing it on purpose to make sure that she can have a turn. He shouldn’t have bothered.

She makes it all the way through the level with ease.

When the flag goes up at the end, she turns to look over at him and his mouth is hanging wide open. “I like video games,” she says to him quickly before pushing her shoulder into his playfully.

They play for over an hour, laughing and talking as they kill turtles and hop to gather coins, giggling (mostly Tina, but sometimes Mike) when Yoshi appears. Yoshi is the best; they’ve both agreed on it.

But eventually it gets dark, and there are supposed to be some fireworks or something, so she turns to Mike to say something about how they should probably stop and rejoin the party. He turns at the same time and they’re practically nose to nose, well it’s more nose to lips because Tina’s smaller than Mike, who’s already almost six feet. They both stop breathing for a second. She knows because she could totally feel it if he had, that’s how close he is.

She watches his tongue dart between his lips to coat them like he’s nervous and she scrapes at her lower lip with her teeth because neither of them are backing off.

“I’ve never...” she says softly tilting up her head so that she can see his eyes. They’re so dark, and he’s been so nice to her today and wouldn’t it be nice to get it over with. Sally Lin had her first kiss in middle school and didn’t stop talking about it for months.

Tina thinks that maybe this is her chance, so she leans up and brushes her nose against his, touching her lips to his. She doesn’t even close her eyes. It’s weird and soft having her lips against Mike’s, and really hot. Like warm hot, not sexy hot. She’s sweating a lot, she thinks that her hands are shaking a little bit. And then just like that, the kiss is over.


Tina pops herself off the bed. “I’ll just... I’ll t-t-t-talk to you later?” She runs out of the room.


She doesn’t see him again until after the fireworks are over and her parents are saying good-bye to his parents. He’s sitting on the stairs looking kind of bored until she smiles and waves at him.

“So, I was thinking,” he says to her, “maybe you could come over next week or something. Get away from your parents for a little while, and get mine off my back. We could just hang out.”

She thinks about it for a minute. It’s not like she has a line of boys waiting for her to come over. And Mike’s pretty awesome, all things considered. He’s considerate and kind and Asian. Her parents will love that. “H-H-How’s next Thursday?”

His mouth breaks into a grin and she can feel herself respond to it automatically, he’s just so genuine. “Sounds like a plan.”

Her stomach flips and flops the entire drive home, and her lips tingle with the memory of what happened.

She’s pretty sure that her memory trumps Sally Lin’s.


ii. Artie
Tina has had crushes on boys before. Lots of them. But she’s never felt this, this all encompassing fear-excitement-anxiety-thrill before. With anyone. He’s her best friend, sometimes her only friend, or at least he was until a few months ago when she discovered Glee Club, and reconnected with Mike. (She thinks of him every time she and Artie play video games.)

But with Artie, she feels like she can tell him anything and he’ll try to understand it. Not that he’s perfect by any means. They’ve definitely had their share of ups and downs.

It’s the start of their junior year and they’ve been together - the for real kind of together - for almost four months now. And she likes to believe that no one knows Artie better than she does. It’s probably true.

As one of their weekly date nights over the course of the summer, they’ve been watching old movies in Artie’s room.

This week, just a few days before school is supposed to begin again, they’re watching Die Hard. Tina actually doesn’t mind action movies. They’re enthralling, entertaining and for the most part, mind numbing. She doesn’t have to think at all when the action happening. Artie’s sitting in his chair and Tina’s sitting on the bed, but they’re close enough that they’re able to hold hands.

Halfway through the movie, Artie’s thumb starts to write across her palm, tracing letters and patterns. The drag of his callused fingers over the smooth and sensitive skin is gentle but still her entire body wakes up to the subtle attack. He’s trying to make her lose her focus.

It’s working wonderfully.
She moves her hand slightly so that he has easier access, spreading her fingers open casually like she’s not aware of what she’s doing. She feels the tickle start with one finger, then he’ll add another to the pattern, then takes them both away before rushing back with two again. She can’t make sense of it. It’s not a pattern, but quickly the tickle on her palm turns to heat and the heat morphs into this burning and pulling sensation deep in her body that she can’t get enough of.

He lifts her palm to his lips and she can feel the stubble on his cheek reminding her. Her boyfriend is not a boy anymore, but he’s not quite a man yet either. When his lips open on her hand and his tongue presses gently, she moans, and he’s won this quiet contest of theirs.

Sexually, she’s still as inexperienced as she was with Mike Chang. She trusts Artie, but they’ve never really talked about it, aside from that one embarrassing moment where Artie admitted to full use of his penis. She’d cringe at the memory but what he’s doing to her right now is too good for her to think about anything but how he’s making her feel.

Her palm is wet by the time she works up the nerve to kiss him, twisting her body on the bed so her free hand can rest along his neck. It’s all lips and teeth and tongue but gentle, almost soothing to kiss him. Like it’s not just their mouths that are involved but their entire bodies. Like when they kiss, their souls can touch for a brief moment and everything goes bright inside of her.

She could kiss him forever.

She really could.

But she wants things to change. Needs them to, because this pit inside her doesn’t ever go away fully. It’s this ache she can’t control when he’s around her and she doesn’t understand what it means. She just knows that she wants to be with him.

She keeps kissing him, opening her mouth over his slightly, making the kiss lighter than it was because she needs to concentrate here, needs to keep her nerve. He’s still holding on to her right hand, but the left one is free. She slides it down to the button at the top of his pants and pops it open.

Even with the machine guns going off in the background that one movement is deafening. He stills against her, his mouth, body, hands, and she pulls away slightly.

“Tina?” When he says her name something inside of her melts because she knows that no one else will ever say her name quite like Artie does.

“I want to do this for you.” Her voice trembles softly, but then she bends down gliding her mouth against his again. “I want you to tell me how. What feels good, what you like.” Her hand runs along the fly of his pants teasing along the outline, feeling the skin underneath harden as she goes.

He kisses her again, but it doesn’t stop the buzzing in her stomach, or the tremor of her hand.

There’s no lock on his bedroom door. She supposes she could put a chair in front of it or a block or something to make sure that what they’re doing stays private. It really needs to stay private. She blushes at even the thought of his mom or worse, his dad, walking in on them while Tina’s touching Artie like that.

Her palm is sweating, salt and heat mixing with the saliva already there from his mouth. The languid pull deep inside her intensifies with her nerves. She unzips his pants, and really they’re just like her own. It’s not as if his pants don’t work exactly the same way as hers do, but she can’t look down at him.

She feels her way into his boxers, touching for the first time the solid skin so warm it burns against her hand. It pulses with blood and life and some kind of primal power she can’t even begin to describe properly.

He growls, a low sound at the back of his throat that vibrates through their joined mouths and down her spine. She trails light fingers over him until she works up enough courage to push his boxers down and pull him out into the warm air of the room. She wraps her hand around him, starting near the tip, feeling the way it seems to beat under her palm. Maybe it’s just her own heartbeat being projected on him, she’s not sure.

His lips break from hers, but he keeps their foreheads together, breathing heavily. His eyebrows are drawn together, like he’s trying hard to focus on something, but his eyes are closed, so she can’t tell what it is.

She loosens her fist around him and his eyes fly open.

“No,” he says. “Tighter, and then just slide down -“ She does. “- And back up.” He swallows hard, but he’s looking at her and she’s looking at him and her hand is moving so slowly up to the tip, then down to the base where his coarse hair tickles her wrist.

She leans closer to him and as her hand descends she presses her lips to his. She stays light against him, but his mouth clings to hers with a desperation she can taste on his tongue.

“Move your thumb.” He mutters against her mouth. “Brush it along the head - “ The word is cut off abruptly as she follows his directions. A slew of nonsensical vowels and consonants stream out from him, and her thumb spreads the moisture there around. She feels a small edge along the tip, and her thumb follows it until Artie undulates against her.

“Faster.” He chokes it out, harsh and sharp, and so unlike Artie. She moves back until their noses barely touch and finally she looks down. Something about watching her skin slide over his makes the desperation crawl up from her stomach. It’s not particularly beautiful, this appendage of muscle and cartilage and blood, but what doing this to him makes her feel, the raw power of it, makes everything worthwhile.

His body is tightening, she knows that he’s close so she firms up her grip again stroking him with a sure hand until his face contorts and he comes on her hand and his pants, hot and sticky.

She stills her hand and just waits, completely unsure of what comes next. There are still guns blazing in the background. They never did turn off the movie.

Artie doesn’t move for a while. His eyes stay closed and Tina continues to watch him, because it’s the only thing she can think to do at this point. She doesn’t know what this all means. She knows that she wanted to give him this moment, but now what?

Artie reaches over to his bedside table for a Kleenex and hands it to Tina. She stares at it for a moment before realizing that he’s giving it to her to help her clean up. She swipes at the sweat and come and spit mixture that’s on her hand until she’s relatively certain most of it is on the tissue and not her skin. She still feels like she should wash her hands with soap before they start to smell.

As she sneaks off the bed, stepping carefully around Artie’s chair to go to the washroom to do just that, he stop her, his hand cupping her wrist gently.

“I could do it for you, you know.” His eyes are sleepy but honest. Strangely though, she doesn't need him to touch her.

“How ‘bout when I come back, you kiss me instead?” She smiles at him and he nods. She can feel his eyes on her as she walks to the door and out of the room.


When she comes back, with hands smelling like vanilla and almond, he’s manoeuvred himself into sitting on the bed.

He kisses her gently. Then hard. Then gently again.

It’s like he feels the changes in her and knows exactly what she needs, when she needs it.

He doesn’t push at all, only coaxes response from her with his mouth.

It’s sweet and pure and everything she wants.


iii. Finn
It’s a balmy day in July and Tina’s sitting on a beach in Mexico. As their Senior Class Trip, the Glee Kids - minus Artie - decided to take a little trip down to Puerto Escondido. They’ve been down there for three days already and she’s feeling more relaxed then she has in a long time. Since her latest breakup with Artie, shortly before prom (isn’t that always the way of it), she’s been stressed to the max. What, with finals and prepping for college and deciding what her life plan will be, she hasn’t had much time for fun. And this trip is supposed to be entirely about fun.

She’s rooming with Brittany so that really means she’s rooming with Santana and Brittany and sometimes it’s just too much. Santana doesn’t believe in modesty so in the morning she’ll walk out of the bathroom without even a towel wrapped around her. She says something about air drying and how it’s supposed to be better for her skin’s natural moisture content or something. And really, Santana’s body is amazing. All curves, and muscles and bones. She’s so lithe and graceful even as she walks. Sometimes Tina catches herself staring. But it’s only because San is such a beautiful woman. No other reason.

Anyway, rooming with those two girls, hearing them giggle in the middle of the night, watching the sheets move on the bed, wondering what they’re doing with their hands and their lips, has made Tina a little bit uneasy. She needs to find some release, and you’d think that half naked on a beach the boys would be lined up twenty deep to be with her.

They’re not.

So she sits on the warm sand, alone, and dreams, while watching the sun set.

Finn makes a lot of noise wherever he goes, so it’s easy to tell when he comes along behind her. He had his last break up with Rachel almost three months earlier, but they’d decided to stay friends. Which was more than Tina could say about her relationship with Artie.

He sits down beside her and shovels the sand with his toes, flicking it up a few times before digging in with his heels.

“Did you know that coconuts kill more people annually than sharks?” He says after a few moments of silence.

The laugh escapes before Tina can suppress it.

He turns his body towards her, shifting his t-shirt just a little bit, revealing more of his long bored shorts. (Not that Tina’s staring at him or anything.) “It’s totally true. Coconuts are like the world’s deadliest falling fruit.”

She giggles at him, but turns to watch the beautiful pinks and oranges spread across the late afternoon sky, dancing with each other, swirling on a blue and black stage.

“They’re even more dangerous than apples. And it was an apple that killed the guy who created fig newtons. Those are good cookies.”

She smiles as they sit and watch the sun sink lower in the sky, talking about completely meaningless things. She leans back onto her elbows stretching her legs out in front of her after a while, and giggles when Finn does the same.

She remembers a time not so long ago when he wouldn’t even acknowledge her existence. When she was invisible to him just like she was to everyone else in the school. And now here they are. High School Graduates, the two of them, sitting on beach thousands of miles from home. Everything feels different.

When the sun trembles tenuously on the horizon she moves closer to him. They both sit up, shoulder to shoulder, some of her fingers overlapping his on the sand. They watch the bright orange ball turn pink, then red, before it disappears around the edge of the earth.

“You gonna go in now?” He starts to stand, brushing the sand off his clothes and arms.

“I think I’ll stay for a bit.” Even though it’s starting to cool down outside, Tina doesn’t really know that she wants to go back to the room. “The girls said something about inviting Puck over for drinks tonight. I’m not really sure that I want to be there. They’re loud enough when it’s just the two of them.” She crosses her arms over her chest to ward off the breeze before looking up at Finn who’s just staring down at her with a weird look on his face, like he’s in the middle of imagining a threesome, which Tina’s pretty sure he is.

“Come on,” he holds out his hand. She thinks about it for a minute then takes it. It’s hard, warm and gritty with sand particles, but still she feels a little shock go through her. “Let’s go have some beer and nachos. Mmmmmm nachos. Two best things about Mexico, if you ask me.”

Her hand stays in his the entire walk back to his room. She wonders if people would believe it, if they could see her now. The Goth Geek holding hands with the star Quarterback. She thinks that people would laugh at her. She’s pretty sure she’d laugh at it herself, if she weren’t living it.


She doesn’t quite know how they got naked. Or how so many beer bottles landed on the floor. Or how they ended up in the shower of all places.

She’s pretty sure Finn murmured something about sand in strange places then invited her in with him. And by inviting her in, she means slinging her over his shoulder. All she really knows is that his hands are soapy and everywhere and she’s never been so happy.

Finn doesn’t let her be shy. Whenever her arms move across her body to hide something he just pulls them open until he can see all of her again. She’s pretty sure that he’s studying her body actually. Taking mental measurements with all of the time he’s been spending watching her and touching her.

When he kisses her he tastes of bitter soap and clean water. His tongue swipes a strip along her lips and she opens them. She knows that his back is bent, his neck straining at a weird angle because of the difference in their height. She’s on the tips of her toes to try and help him, but there’s only so much she can do from where she is in the tub, so she locks her arms around his neck, pulling gently to let him know her intentions before hooking one leg around his hip, then shimmying up to lock the other one in place as well.

Finn’s hands come out and catch them both as he tilts forward pressing his palms into the tiled wall on either side of her head. He catches her just an inch away from cracking her head on the tile.

His mouth presses more firmly on hers and her soap slicked fingers trace against his neck. He’s hard and wet below her and her head is humming with just enough beer and just enough arousal that she thinks she’s ready to do something really stupid. Stupid like give herself to this boy in a drunken frenzy in the bathtub of his hotel room. Stupid like she’s really already doing it.

She grinds her hips against his feeling him stiffen even more below her. He’s much larger than Artie. Intimidatingly so. When her back is held against the tiles, his body crushing hers up and back, she moves one hand down his body to grip firmly at the base. It’s all heat and water and urgency as she slides her hand over him until he groans into her mouth, tenses and comes all over the wall and her hand.

Steam from the hot water assaults her body from every direction as his lips move off of hers, ghosting down her neck, biting softly along her collarbone until he moves his hand down along her side until he can draw along her upper thigh. He’s breathing hard as the water cascades down his back, eyes heavy with alcohol and orgasmic haze. She doesn’t think she’s ever seen anything so beautiful before and then his fingers glide over her, slippery on her clitoris before sliding back to where her entrance is. She wants him to touch her there. Wants him to stop teasing her so badly and just push inside her so that she knows what the other girls giggle about at school and in Glee.

When he does push one finger inside her, it slides in so easy that she shifts closer to him, pulling his finger in deeper.

“Shit, Tee!” The garbled words press against her shoulder and he slides another finger home. The steam makes the already heavy air even harder to breathe. Her body works with his hips making small circles to guide his fingers against her in just the right away.

He flattens his palm against her clit and crooks his fingers. She gasps. She’s reaching for something and she just can’t quite get there, but the journey is beautiful. She shifts and he hits her just right and she starts to clench down. Her head feels light, his body is hard under her, some of his baby fat has disappeared over the last two years. He pushes up hard with his hand, palming her clit and pumping his fingers in and out of her. Her hair is stringy and wet and trapped between her body and the tiles. He keeps working her until she’s right on the edge, then he kisses her, rubbing a hard circle with his palm.

She comes hard on his fingers, clamping down on him as her muscles seize then vibrate in waves.

He continues to kiss her, until she comes back to himself. Sucking, biting, soothing her lips with his. He really is a fabulous kisser.

She’s breathless when she breaks away, sliding her hand down to remove his fingers. She has something much larger in mind. She moves her own hand down between their bodies, wrapping her fingers around him, smiling because he’s hard again, and ready. She guides him to her entrance, poised for him to thrust up and fill her. She wants it so badly, she’s trembling with nervous energy.

Finn looks at her then, locking his eyes with hers, but he keeps his hips still. What is he waiting for?

He places a hand on either side of her hips but instead of pulling her down like she wants, he shift hers up, away from him. “We can’t.”

She leans up to kiss along his jaw, biting gently as she goes. “Why not?” He tilts into her even more, and she thinks she might just be able to win this round.

“No protection.” And suddenly the giddy, exciting, wonderful feeling disappears in the reality of the water splashing against them. She unlocks her legs, feet hitting the slick bathtub before she untangles the rest of her body from his. She opens the plastic curtain and steps out, wrapping a towel around her body. She’s humiliated. She was just ready to... and he just...

She needs to leave. Needs to get out of there.

“Stop! Stop! Just because we can’t... you know... doesn’t mean there aren’t other things we can do, Tina.” He’s almost yelling the words to her as she reaches for her top, kicking over the empty beer bottles as she goes.

He presses up behind her, latching his arms around her waist and pulling her until she’s standing. “Come on, Tina. Let me show you-“ He presses his mouth to her neck, nipping at it with his teeth gently. “- the other things we can do.”

She wants to stay with him. She does. He’s beautiful and kind and he cares about her. So she pushes her embarrassment aside, and turns around. He traces up to the pleat in her towel, tugging at it until it falls to the floor. Then he kisses her and backs her onto the bed.


She wakes up naked the next morning with a head full of cotton and a heavy arm around her stomach.

But when she opens her eyes she finds herself in an unfamiliar situation.

Puck is lying on his bed, his hands hidden under the blankets, moving steadily in a pattern she probably shouldn’t recognize but does, smiling at her. She pulls the sheet up around her chest, elbowing Finn in the process of turning into his chest.

“Owww!” He opens his eyes and she burrows into his chest more. He settles his arms around her running soft circles along her back, and it feels wonderful. Or it would feel wonderful if she didn’t know just exactly what Puck was doing in the other bed.

She knows the exact moment Finn realizes what Puck’s doing because he shouts out. “Dude, seriously?”

She laughs into his chest. Maybe that’s how it’s supposed to be.


iv. Puck
Three weeks after they get home from Mexico, Santana holds a Tiki party. Tina really thinks about whether she wants to go or not. Artie and Finn are off on a road trip together, which is just a little bit creepy. She doesn’t like the idea of the two boys she has been (is currently, was in the past) involved with riding in a car for hours on end to go to Hershey Park.

But it’s the middle of the summer and she’s had enough. Enough of school and responsibilities. And boys and drama. She’s had enough of having to get Finn drunk to touch her. So when Rachel calls to offers to drive her over to Santana’s, Tina accepts. Rachel will be the responsible one. Rachel will make sure that she doesn’t drink too much and make a fool out of herself like she did when she took Artie back again after Mexico.

She’s so irrationally angry at herself for believing again.

She dresses up because Santana sends out a mass text saying it’s a fancy dress party. She’d even written it in caps.

She’s tried to really class up the Catholic School Girl Look. Her skirt is plaid and short, blue, black and white lines crossing hypnotically. Instead of knee high socks, she’s left her legs bare. It’s summer and she’s got a bit of a tan so why not show it off. Besides, she’s totally certain that Rachel is going to be showing off more skin than she is. She’s put on a tank top and layered a white blouse over top. She even went so far as to section her hair carefully and braid the streaks of fuschia into pigtails that fall over her shoulders.

She’s carefully smudged blue eyeliner around her eyes, and slicked her lips with light pink gloss.

It’s almost eight when the doorbell rings.

Tina slides on her black ballerina flats, adjusting the large studded leather bracelet carefully before opening the door.


Tina smiles because yeah, she’s put a lot of effort into this, and it doesn’t hurt that Rachel’s looking totally awesome herself.

“Thanks,” she says quietly as she grabs a sweater and her house keys, and the two of them walk out to Rachel’s car.

The drive over to Santana’s is filled with Rachel talking about her plans for the rest of the summer. Apparently, her dads are taking her on an extended trip to Florida to travel the Keys before she heads off to Boston. She’s going to be studying performance at Berkley starting in September, and from what Rachel has heard it’s a very intensive program. She doubts she’ll even have time to date. Not that she and Noah are dating.

Tina perks up at this little gem of information.

“You and Puck, huh? Again?” Tina tries to sound nonchalant because she still can’t get that image of Puck touching himself underneath the covers out of her head. It’s even more powerful than the image of Brittany and Santana kissing in the bathroom one night when Tina had walked in from the Cantina.

“Noah and I have discussed our relationship at length and have come to the mutual decision that we should remain friends, at least for the time being. My life is taking me to Boston and his is going to San Antonio. We both know that with my newly found appreciation for sex is not a foundation for a meaningful and lasting long distance relationship. Besides isn’t college supposed to be about trying new things? I certainly can’t do that with a boyfriend halfway across the country.” Rachel sure can talk. It’s actually one of the things Tina likes best about her. She never leaves awkward silences. Rachel always has some kind of filler to make the time go swiftly by.

Before she knows it, Tina’s standing in Santana’s backyard with the first of maybe too many tequila shots in her hand, thanks to Mike Chang, who makes a remark about Super Mario World still being the most awesome game ever before downing the gold liquid with a wince. Tina does the same. “Yoshi is still the best.” She grins at him.

Matt comes around and pours her another shot as Mike nods and wanders off to find Brittany. Tina watches him walk away with a strange sort of regret for things that never were.

She’s debating doing another shot when Santana comes over. She drags her index finger along Tina’s hand, sliding it up her arm, around her back and down as she moves to the side closest to the bottle of Jose Cuervo.

“How many of these have you had?” Santana whispers into Tina’s ear. Tina shivers as the warm breath blows across her neck, leaving a chill behind it. She wants to turn her head and look Santana in the eye, but she can’t. She knows what will happen if she does. So she keeps her eyes facing forward, scanning the room until she finds what she’s been looking for. He’s standing in the corner talking to Mercedes and Kurt of all people. Secretly, Tina is completely convinced that Kurt has a major crush on Puck, not that she can blame him. Puck is a very nice specimen.

“Not many,” she says, letting her eyes take in the sight of Puck in those well fitting jeans and button-down shirt.

“Well, why don’t we do a one more before you get the full puta-Puck experience.” Tina turns then with what she hopes is a shocked look on her face. She had no idea she was so transparent. “C-C, everyone here knows that you’re going to ride on caballero Puckerman’s stallion. Virgins are his specialty, you know.” Santana pours two shots. Tina picks up her glass, her stomach churning violently. She doesn’t really know if it’s the tequila, the fact that Santana is still touching her softly through the thin fabric of her blouse, or the idea of finally doing this, getting rid of the big V.

With Puck.

They clink their glasses together and down the liquid in tandem. Tina’s eyes close as she focuses on the alcohol as it burns a path down her esophagus and into her belly. She tries her hardest not to think about how Santana’s hand could slide just a little bit lower and be on her ass.

She sets the shot glass down and steps away. She wonders if Santana knows about the virgin thing from experience.

She probably does.

Is it weird that the prospect just got a lot more exciting for her?

Walking in her flat shoes should not be as hard as it is. She stumbles before she even gets to Puck, rolling on her foot slightly, but she manages to catch herself before she does a full face plant.

“Yo, Tina, are you okay?” Mercedes will try and stop her, Tina just knows it.

“How much have you had to drink tonight?” Kurt asks. She’s pretty sure Kurt is trying to get into Puck’s pants. But Tina has gender on her side. She’s almost entirely sure that Puck is entirely hetero-oriented.

“I’m fine. Just peachy.” She’s not drunk, there’s just a nice buzzing in her head. A pleasant sort of languidness to her movements.

“You’re totally blitzed, aren’t you?” Puck’s voice rolls over her and her skin quivers. He reaches out to touch one braid and she feels like laughing, so she does. It comes out a giggle.

“I’m not.” She grabs his other hand and pulls him away from Kurt’s evil clutches, waving quickly to her friends, who are already murmuring about how Tina’s planning on getting lucky. She takes him up the stairs to one of the bedrooms she knows is not Santana’s. She doesn’t want to think about that idea right now. That Santana probably fucked him in her bedroom time and time again. How she probably squirmed under him begging - and Santana doesn’t beg.

She backs herself up against the bed frame, soft mattress hitting the backs of her knees. “I have a proposition for you.” Her words sound strange and just a little bit off. It’s kinda funny. “Proposition’s a funny word isn’t it? I like it.” He’s smirking at her because her hands keep running up and down his sides now that he’s in front of her. “I want you to...” She swallows hard at the nervous ball that’s formed in her throat and continues. “I want you to be my first.”

She flops back on the bed and fingers the buttons of her shirt until they pop open in what she hopes is a seductive manner. She pulls at the fabric but it doesn’t want to come off her arms. She yanks at the cuffs pulling off one and then the other, contorting her arms until she’s free of the shirt.

He’s just staring at her. When she’d played out this scene in her head she’d figured asking would be enough. Obviously not.

She reaches down and pulls her tank top off. It’s not like he hasn’t seen her half naked before. She shouldn’t be as embarrassed as she is. But the heat is rushing to her cheeks and even though she’s glad that she wore the blue lace today, she feels like she’s revealing too much. She’s over thinking every movement, wanting to suck in her stomach until it’s perfectly flat, wanting to push back on her shoulder blades just a little bit more to push her boobs a bit higher because she knows that Puck loves boobs. (Finn did, too.)

He’s shifting a bit, like maybe he’s going to run for the door. Oh God. He can’t run for the door. If she doesn’t do this now, she doesn’t think it will ever happen. She’s tired of waiting. The right guy came along and he loved her. And then he broke her by saying that he needed space. She waited for him, and he rolled away.

Then the next boy... It just wasn’t ever right. The timing or the protection. And then she’d thought about it. She couldn’t do that to Artie. Not while they were still unresolved.

And when things with Artie had been resolved, he’d announced that he and Finn were going on this roadtrip.

“I can’t,” he says as he starts to back towards the door, his eyes firmly on her boobs. (Mission accomplished.) “You’re with Finn. I can’t do that again. Bros before Hos.” She gives him a dirty look because ho? Seriously? He looks at her and shrugs. “You know what I mean.”

“I’m not with Finn.” She rolls so she’s sitting on the end of the bed, her braids fall over her shoulders. She’s really not. They haven’t talked about what happened in Mexico, three forgotten days and nights. She’s not going to dwell on it. She’s an adult now, a high school graduate. She’s perfectly capable of having a casual relationship with someone.

But she’s not in any kind of relationship.

He’s got this expression on his face, like he’s trying to figure out if she’s full of crap or not. Maybe because girls like Rachel, Quinn and Santana have lied to him before, so she stares him in the eye. As much as she can. She focuses on keeping her shoulders back and when he finally takes a step forward, she pushes the gnawing nervousness aside and unhooks her bra.

Before it can slide down her arms, he’s standing an inch away holding the lace in his fingers. His hand traces the strap before letting it fall. The feel of his skin touching hers is electric. He has calluses from his guitar, so his fingers are a rough contrast against her skin. Her breath comes in quick puffs, and her heart rate starts to speed. When her bra finally falls away she looks away. She’s proud of her body, even her wibbly bits, but he’s scrutinizing her. It’s uncomfortable. His thumb is pressing hard, quick lines into her shoulder, and she’s wondering why he won’t touch her already. When she’d been with Finn his hands had gone straight for her -

A low and almost feral groan rips from her when he drags the back of his hand along her side, brushing it against the soft underside of her breast.

“I..” She doesn’t ever want him to stop what he’s doing. He’s teasing her and it feels amazing. It’s like he knows all the secret spots on her body and exactly how to touch them. “I’m not with Finn,” she says eventually. “I’m not drunk, and I’m asking you to sleep with me. What else can I do to convince you?”

He leans her back then, hands everywhere on her skin, until she’s propped against the pillows again. She grips the bottom of his t-shirt and pulls it up over his head so that she can feel more of his skin, hot and hard and Puck (not Artie, or Finn or anyone else).

Then he kisses her, mouth pressing hard against hers, tongue forcing its way past her lips. It’s not tentative like Mike, or soulful like Artie, or fun like Finn. It’s possessive and bold and everything that’s Puck. It’s exactly the reason she chose him. He’s sliding her skirt down her hips with her underwear before she even reaches the button at the top of his jeans. The cold air hits her, and her nerves stand on end, but then his body is covering hers and there’s nothing else.

She’s got his pants off - and his socks - and his body is under hers in less than two minutes. He’s kissing her and his hands are running along her back. Her body is heated and edged like glass ready to break at the smallest movement. She takes his length in her hand stroking him hard three times before whispering a curse against his mouth. She can’t believe that this is finally happening to her. She can’t believe the school rebel is lying beneath her writhing.

“Are you on the pill? Cause I can’t -“

She swipes her tongue against his twice, nodding her head sharply enough for him to feel. She has been since she and Artie got serious. It was just a precaution and now she’s so glad for it. But suddenly he’s rolling out from under her and searching through his jeans. She’s breathing hard and staring at his body. He’s really gorgeous. Broad shoulders leading down to a lightly tapered back, cute butt, strong legs, not to mention his arms. He walks back to the bed, foil packet in his hand, tearing it open and rolling it down on himself quickly before leaning over to kiss her again.

The power courses through her body, sending sparks of heat up and down her spine. Puck’s fingers dip between her legs, first two, then three, spreading her open wide. His hands walk back up to her hips, and she sighs.

She’s on edge. Nothing exists in this room except her body and his as she positions him and starts to slide down. His hands push slightly. She’s wet, but he’s too big, too much, he pulls back, pushing her hips up just a bit before sliding back in a little bit more. It’s a little easier this time. There is an ache where part of him is inside part of her and -

Oh God. He does it again and the ache gives way to a soft burning.

He’s inside of her. Oh God, he’s inside her. And this is it. What people write ballads and opuses about. This sharp pain and awkward sensation. She thinks it’s a bit overrated. Maybe if they just stay like this, though, eventually it will start to feel good again. Maybe.

He kisses her softly, moaning words that make some sense and no sense at the same time. Sorry. God. Tight. So sorry. Wait. He holds her body close, his mouth on her cheek then her shoulder. His hands rub circles on her back. Her hair is draped black and pink across his chest and she struggles to remember when he took it down.

He moves then, hands guiding her hips in small strokes, pushing him deeper inside her. But this time, instead of pain it feels like she doesn’t even have room to breathe. Just like he knew all the spots on her skin he seems to know the places inside her too. She’s never felt this way before. There’s this amazing closeness, not just physically. He’s a part of her now. That thought alone makes her spasm around him, shooting heat up her spine.

“Shit. Fuck. Shit. Don’t.” Puck stops her hips from moving, but he can’t stop her from clenching around him again. The pleasure is intense, like bright starbursts in front of her eyes, then travelling along her skin everywhere. “Tina, stop! Fuck.”

He flips them so that she’s under him, her knees up, cradling his hips. She pushes with her feet, forcing him inside her further again, craving that feeling.

“Tina!” He says it sharply and she stops what she’s doing, her eyes raising to his. “Baby, I want this to be good for you. So when I ask you to stop, you really need to stop. I’m gonna it if you keep doing that.” That electric power rushes through her again, pain all but forgotten.

He runs his fingers down her left side, hooking her ankle around his back before doing the same to her right. Then he starts to move. Slowly sliding out before grinding back in. Then again. And again. Her body is slick with sweat in moments and she starts to use her legs to lever herself up, following his rhythm until she can almost taste the release that’s coming.

He moves faster, more rigidly, in sharp, punctuated jerks that feel amazing. His body touches all those places he’s already exploited, tweaking at her nipples, then sliding gently along her rib cage. Lips trailing down her neck until he attaches to her pulse point.

Someone moans. Tina doesn’t realize that it’s her until she hears it again as Puck rubs hard at her clit. Her back arches off the bed, her fingers digging deep into the muscles of his back as she comes hard around him. Shivers work their way down her body, sparking every cell to life. She gasps deeply.

He hitches her legs up higher, thrusting even deeper through her orgasm until she can’t take anymore and she has to push his fingers away, her body still shuddering as his body tightens, swells and releases inside her.


Later, after he’s tossed the condom in the trash can and she’s gone to the washroom because apparently alcohol goes through her body quickly, they’re lying under the blankets and she’s just looking at him. And he’s looking back at her.

Somehow her hand finds his. She`s not sure what to think about all of this.

“How do you feel?” He asks after a few quiet moments. She smiles.

“Good.” She says quietly. “Really good.” She leans forward to press her lips to his. “So good.” She knows she should probably leave before Puck thinks this has turned into something, but she can’t. “Can you just stay here for a bit?” He nods his head and she thinks it’s a bit foreign to him, to actually sleep next to someone he’s just fucked.

She rolls onto her side, she can feel the warmth from his body through her tank and panties even though they’re not touching at all. And when she starts to cry, overwhelmed by everything that has happened over the last month, he doesn’t ask her any questions, only wraps his arms around her.

She locks her fingers with his and pulls him closer as her shoulders shake, whispering, “Thank you.”


v. Santana
It’s the end of summer, and everyone is getting ready to leave for the next journey whether it’s college or a full time job at the local autobody shop. It’s a really bittersweet moment to celebrate with wine coolers and beer that Santana has ordered from her older brother. The entire Glee Club is there, no one else. Tina wonders if that means something too.

Things had been awkward with Puck for a few days after the last party at Santana’s, but they’d talked about their intentions. Tina drove over to his house one night and insisted that she wasn’t looking for a serious relationship. Puck had thrown her down on the bed and they’d been sleeping together a few times a week ever since.

Things with Artie had just begun mending themselves, and Finn and Rachel were back together again.

Life is starting to look up again.

They’re sitting in Santana’s living room playing ‘Truth or Dare.’ Empty bottles are scattered around the room and the pool outside where most of the club had been swimming an hour earlier. Tina is the designated driver tonight, or so Puck mandated when he came to pick her up earlier that evening, so she’s been avoiding the coolers. She sips at a cola instead, waiting patiently for her turn.

“Tina!” She turns when Brittany says her name. “Truth or dare?”

She has that moment where her brain and her mouth are totally disconnected when she says, “Dare.”

“I dare you to kiss...” she starts looking around the room. Brittany’s eyes stop on Mike, who blushes almost imperceptibly before Brittany’s gaze travels on. Tina’s heart races as Brittany passes over Finn, Rachel, Puck, Matt, Kurt, Mercedes. She has this terrible-anxious-thrilled feeling in her stomach that she knows exactly what’s coming. “Santana. On the lips. For at least ten steamboats.”

Puck cheers loudly. Tina laughs, but it’s a strangely nervous one.

Santana only smiles and crawls on her hands and knees until she’s closer to Tina. They line up so they’re chest to chest. Tina’s hands are trembling and she can’t get them to stop. It’s just a kiss. A soft, simple, meaningless kiss. It is. It has to be. Santana’s hands run up and down her arms lightly. Tina wonders if she knows, if Santana can feel the sweat gathering at the back of her neck, and the palms of her hands. Or the pit deep in her stomach.

Tina shifts her focus away from all that to Santana’s lips. They’re shaded a neutral pink that highlights their shape. They look so soft that Tina can’t resist the urge to touch them. She raises her eye to Santana’s in a silent question. Can I?

Santana’s lips curve up slightly in response and Tina’s finger traces along them gently. Tina’s mouth parts on a quiet gasp she knows Santana can hear and feel, with the subtle rise of her chest. She swears her heart stops as her body moves on its own, eyelids fluttering closed, her upper lip trapped between Santana’s, while her lower lip pillows gracefully below.

It starts out soft. Soft and dry. It’s almost chaste. And tender. And sweet.

And ridiculously shocking. Warmth pools around Tina’s heart and deeper still as the kiss carries on.

Suddenly Santana moves, her mouth opening, forcing Tina’s lips to part. Tina feels Santana’s hand cup her cheek as her tongue slides through Tina’s lips. Santana tastes like roasted marshmallows and raspberry lip gloss. Tina swallows down the flavours, touching her own tongue tentatively against Santana’s.

She’s pretty sure that she should be counting but she can’t really bring herself to care. Santana’s tongue runs along her teeth before curling around Tina’s. It’s really hard to concentrate on anything but feeling Santana’s mouth against hers, Santana’s breasts pressed against hers, Santana’s shoulders under Tina’s fingers as they flex and grab.

One of the boys starts to cat call - Tina’s pretty sure it’s Puck - and the rest of them follow suit, clapping loudly. Whether it’s been ten steamboats or not, this kiss isn’t about the game anymore. Tina’s chest is heavy when she breaks away, her heart pounding, her nipples hard under the thin fabric of her t-shirt. Santana just smiles at her, a cat like grin, and licks her lips, dragging a finger across Tina’s mouth before returning to her spot.

Tina watches her the entire way. The churning in her stomach only intensifies.

Tina swallows hard and asks Mercedes whether she wants truth or dare. Her heart is pounding hard and fast still and she’s trying to concentrate on Mercedes’ answer to her question, but she just can’t. She can still feel the pressure of Santana’s lips on hers. Can still taste her gloss.

Then it’s Puck’s turn and everyone forgets about Tina and Santana in the flurry of dropped clothes as he streaks naked down the block and back. Tina stands right next to Santana watching Puck’s (pretty awesome) ass run down the street, close enough that their fingers could lace if Tina wanted them too. And she does.

“So are we going to do this or not, C-C?” Santana asks quietly, holding her palm up by her side. Tina grazes her fingers along Santana’s palm before locking her fingers between Santana’s.

Tina smiles. “You know,” she looks over at Santana then back to the boy running down the street naked, “Puck’s probably going to want in.”

Santana draws shapes on Tina’s hand with her thumb, grinning. “That could be fun.”



Character(s) or pairing(s): I'd prefer an ensemble fic, tbh. But the pairings within could be Tina/Artie, Tina/Puck, Tina/Finn, Tina/Santana, Tina/Rachel, Tina... with anyone, really. I frckn love her, okay?

Do you prefer R or NC-17 smut?: Either, whichever way the prompt(s) take you.

Prompts (minimum of 3, no maximum!):
1. The 'Catholic school girl' suggestion from Puck and the subsequent look of interest from Tina (andFinn,lol). Dress-up (and then dress down).

2. Five times... and one time... -style fic. Doesn't have to be five things exactly, can be more or less.

3. Bent over the piano in the choir room.

4. VAST, Pretty When You Cry (shuttup, I didn't steal this from the angst_meme).

5. During practice, someone stumbles upon a huge stash of porn in one of the Gleeks laptops. Grill sess ensues that really only makes everyone horny as hell. They all start pairing off and making excuses about leaving the room so they can get it on different parts of the school. Ensemble here would be nice.

6. "I/We have a propositing for you."

7. Tina hooks up with everyone in an effort to figure out whether or not she's straight/bi/les. Ensemble?

Things you DON’T want in your story (kinks or sex acts that gross you out, characters you despise, etc.): No deaths, and no adults with students although I might be okay with Tina/Will because I'm a hypocrite

pairing: artie/tina, pairing: puck/tina, rating: nc 17, pairing: mike/tina, character: tina cohen-chang, author: becca_radcgg, pairing: finn/tina, character: puck, ! hot summer nights fic exchange, character: finn hudson, character: santana lopez, pairing: santana/tina, character: mike chang, character: artie abrams

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