Prompt Post #16

May 31, 2012 13:26


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Characters/Pairings - Spoilers - Warnings/Triggers - Kinks
Fill - Title - Characters/Pairings - Spoilers - ( Read more... )


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Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink anonymous May 31 2012, 21:41:15 UTC
This prompt is long I apologize. Also wasn't too sure about the header, I'm sure it would change if filled ( ... )


Re: Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink anonymous June 1 2012, 05:51:35 UTC
There is a Sebklaine on being posted with a similar plot to this if you are interested.


OP! Re: Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink anonymous June 1 2012, 16:36:32 UTC
I appreciate the rec. I'm already following that story. Since I asked for something different I still really hope someone takes interest in my prompt. But thank you.


Very Tenative ClaimRe: Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink anonymous June 1 2012, 17:02:59 UTC
I don't want to get anyone too excited, but I'm thinking about taking this will be a little bit before I can get to it...I have a Big Bang I'd like to finish before I officially take on another project. But I am leaning strongly to this.

Anyone else go ahead a feel free to take it on as well.

To the OP:
If there is any thing else you'd like to see, let me know (preference on girl/boy, name, Kurt or Blaine's job, etc) anything you wouldn't like to see outside of the kinks you listed. I will be outlining when I have some spare time. I'm leaning towards (because of The Andersons) Kurt not being able to tell his family its Blaine's child, and has to make up some excuse or such, if that's okay with you?


OP! Re: Very Tenative ClaimRe: Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink anonymous June 1 2012, 17:17:31 UTC
I just want to say I adore you for even strongly considering it! And good luck on your Big Bang!

I have no real preferences on girl/boy names I'm horrible with coming up with them. As for jobs I'm not sure either, I don't want Kurt to be hopeless/cliche as a waiter somewhere but he's not a Broadway star either, not sure about Blaine either but I want them to be stable. I can't really think of any kinks I don't want to see other than slut-shaming but it wouldn't really fit in anyways.

That totally works for me. I wasn't sure how that would go, or even how he'd convince Blaine he was leaving/they'd break up out of no where but I figured I'd leave that up to the filler. As long as Kurt isn't irredeemable to Blaine/his family I'm fine with whatever you come up with.


Re: Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink rainbows_9864 June 3 2012, 16:48:56 UTC
Hi :) so I know someone else claimed this already, but they said it's okay for others to fill as well (To the other author, if you see this, please still fill this, im pretty sure that we have two VERY different views on how to write this fill and I'd love to see your version of this :) )

Now, questions for the OP(sorry, im wordy, theres a lot of questions) does Kurt get pregnant during Blaine's senior year or in the summer after his own senior year? Do you want it to start when Kurt finds out he's pregnant or when Blaine goes to Ny? Also, instead of being several years later that Blaine runs into Kurt, would you be terribly opposed to him being in first year of college (like he's going to school in NY and then he runs into Kurt that way.) okay... I think that's it for now. I will probably have something written up in about a week or two :)


OP! Re: Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink cherucaustic June 3 2012, 17:43:57 UTC
De-anoning because I'm just so excited that I have two people interested oh my god!

Um I sort of saw Kurt getting pregnant during Blaine's senior year (really the beginning of it) but if you want it to happen during the summer that's fine I'd just prefer it be closer to the end of it. I'm not actually sure about the second one. Angst kills me sometimes so I don't know if I could take watching Kurt and Blaine go through all that but if it's written well I think it'd be great because I'd love to see the whole thing play out.

I'm totally not opposed to that idea. My main reasons for having it be years down the line were so that Kurt and Blaine would be sort of established in their lives and/or jobs so that they could be somewhat stable if they were to get pregnant again and so that Kurt could have the whole single father thing down at that point. But I will totally admit that the shorter that they're apart strongly appeals to me.

I can't wait to see what you come up with ^-^


FILL [1a/?] Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink rainbows_9864 June 7 2012, 21:25:24 UTC
Hi! Here's the first part of my fill! It starts off with Kurt breaking up with Blaine and then goes to when they run into each other in New York. Hope the OP likes it so far! :)

"I'm sorry, Blaine, I can't do this." Kurt told him with an expressionless face. Blaine felt his heart drop.

"Kurt, please, please tell me you're not doing what I think you're doing. Please." Blaine begged, "Just tell me what I did wrong, tell me so I can make it better. I swear, I'll do anything." Blaine felt a tear fall from his eye.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I swear, I wish I didn't have to do this. But I can't tie you down to me," Kurt told him. "Your future is so bright, Blaine. You got accepted to Manhattan School of Music early admission. You're going places, and let's face it, I'm not. I'm sorry, this is just how it has to be. Goodbye." Kurt turned quickly and walked briskly back off of the school grounds to his car so Blaine wouldn't see the tears on his face or the heartbreak in his own eyes. "Oh my God ( ... )


FILL [1b/?] Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink rainbows_9864 June 7 2012, 21:27:21 UTC
The walk to the apartment was quiet, save for the occasional whine from Abigail. When Kurt unlocked the door to the three bedroom apartment he shared with Claudia, he left Blaine in the living room before going to put his daughter in her crib for her nap. He returned to the living room 20 minutes later it's the baby monitor in his hand. He placed on the coffee table before sitting on the couch with Blaine ( ... )


FILL [1c/?] Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink rainbows_9864 June 7 2012, 21:29:44 UTC
"It's alright, Mrs. Anderson. I'll just come by later when he's returned." Kurt told the woman in a kind voice ( ... )


FILL [1d/?] Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink rainbows_9864 June 7 2012, 21:31:17 UTC
(A/N: I hate the limits LJ has. That is all)

"I want to stay in her life." Blaine breathed. "I want to be there for her, watch her grow up. I've missed so much already." Kurt smiled.

"I would for you to be in her life, Blaine. I wouldn't keep you away from her now that you know. I can't keep you two away anymore. It hurts too much." Kurt told him.

"I have to go. I don't want you to get in trouble for with the restraining order. But I'll make some calls and get the orders repealed. Maybe I can get visitations with Abigail?" Blaine sounded so hopeful. Kurt smiled softly at him, nodding.

"I don't want my daughter to grow up without her father." Kurt whispered hoarsely. "Bye Blaine." Blaine bit his lip, standing up with a small wave before he left the apartment.


OP! Re: FILL [1d/?] Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink cherucaustic June 7 2012, 23:31:13 UTC
I just got home from a stressful day to see this and I'm loving it so far. Also her name is adorable!


Re: FILL [1d/?] Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink jackiebobby June 7 2012, 23:34:15 UTC


Re: FILL [1d/?] Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink smily888 July 1 2012, 13:52:10 UTC
I really hope this gets updated soon!


OP Re: FILL [1d/?] Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink cherucaustic July 18 2012, 05:59:32 UTC
Hi, lovely author! I just wanted to check in and see how things were going since it's been over a month. I know there's no update schedule or anything, just want to make sure things are alright with you. Still love the start of this, hope there's an update soon<3


AN Re: FILL [1d/?] Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink rainbows_9864 July 19 2012, 14:11:20 UTC
SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY!!!! I started this before school ended (I live in Canada, so school only finished the last week of June) then I started working fulltime during the summer on top of doing an online course and my laptop charger broke :( I promise this fic is NOT abandoned, I'm sorry for the long wait, but my day off from work this week is Friday so hopefully I will have more chapters to post then.


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