Prompt Post #16

May 31, 2012 13:26


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FILL [1a/?] Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink rainbows_9864 June 7 2012, 21:25:24 UTC
Hi! Here's the first part of my fill! It starts off with Kurt breaking up with Blaine and then goes to when they run into each other in New York. Hope the OP likes it so far! :)

"I'm sorry, Blaine, I can't do this." Kurt told him with an expressionless face. Blaine felt his heart drop.

"Kurt, please, please tell me you're not doing what I think you're doing. Please." Blaine begged, "Just tell me what I did wrong, tell me so I can make it better. I swear, I'll do anything." Blaine felt a tear fall from his eye.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I swear, I wish I didn't have to do this. But I can't tie you down to me," Kurt told him. "Your future is so bright, Blaine. You got accepted to Manhattan School of Music early admission. You're going places, and let's face it, I'm not. I'm sorry, this is just how it has to be. Goodbye." Kurt turned quickly and walked briskly back off of the school grounds to his car so Blaine wouldn't see the tears on his face or the heartbreak in his own eyes.
"Oh my God, Kurt!" Claudia shrieked, laughing at her friend. Kurt rolled his eyes, smiling brightly as he bounced his small girl on his lap. "Stop it, she's gonna spit up all over the floor and then the owner's gonna make you clean it all up!" Kurt stopped moving the baby and raised his eyebrow at his friend.

"Oh, like I don't already clean up all her shit when we're home. It won't make a difference." He told her, moving the baby from his lap so that her head was resting on his shoulder. Claudia sighed, watching her friend rub his small baby daughter's back in slow soothing circles.

"I'm gonna go get another coffee, you want something Kurt? Maybe some warm milk for the little one?" Claudia asked him. Kurt sighed, shaking his head as they both stood.

"No, thanks though, but I should get going. Abbi's getting tired and it's time for her nap anyway so I should get home and put her down. But stay out as long as you want, I'll see you when you get back." Kurt told her, giving the tall girl a hug. Claudia gave him a small smile.

"Alright, I'll back at around 8 tonight, don't wait up. I know how precious your sleep is with little Abs stealing it all." Kurt sighed, waving at his roommate before leaving the coffee shop with his daughter. Abigail was nodding off on his shoulder as he walked down the crowded sidewalk. He was determined to get to his apartment, 4 blocks over, before the infant fell fully asleep.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you!" Someone rushed out 5 minutes later after walking into Kurt, and jostling the baby in his arms so that she was upset and whining in his arms. Kurt let out a frustrated sigh, it always took Abigail forever to fall asleep. Now she was fully awake again and upset.

"Yeah, you better be sorry." Kurt mumbled, trying to quiet the complaining baby in his arms.

"Well, I am. I did just say that I was." The person chuckled. Kurt look up to glare at the person and was stopped short when he found himself looking into the hazel eyes he had said goodbye to just over a year ago. The same hazel eyes the baby in his arms had.

"Blaine?" He breathed out with wide eyes. He stumbled backwards a bit, looking around quickly, panicked. He couldn't be this close to him. He had to leave and get back to his apartment, far away from Blaine Anderson.

"Kurt? Wh-what? What are you doing in New York? Why are you holding a baby?" Blaine asked, sounding confused and looking a bit hurt.

"I have to go, it's time for her nap. Goodbye Blaine." Kurt muttered, going to step around the other man, but he just stepped in front of him, preventing him from walking away.

"No, I'm going with you. We have to talk." Blaine told him, sounding determined. "I have a feeling you weren't being completely honest with me when you left me." Blaine said, eyes dropping to the baby in Kurt's arms for a split second before they came back up to meet Kurt's eyes. That was when Kurt knew that Blaine had connected the pieces. He was busted.


FILL [1b/?] Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink rainbows_9864 June 7 2012, 21:27:21 UTC
The walk to the apartment was quiet, save for the occasional whine from Abigail. When Kurt unlocked the door to the three bedroom apartment he shared with Claudia, he left Blaine in the living room before going to put his daughter in her crib for her nap. He returned to the living room 20 minutes later it's the baby monitor in his hand. He placed on the coffee table before sitting on the couch with Blaine.

"Do you something, a drink maybe?" Kurt asked in a mumble, still not meeting Blaine's eyes.

"A beer would be nice about now, yes, thanks." Blaine responded. Kurt bit his lip and nodded before standing to get two from the fridge in the kitchen. He handed one to Blaine before opening his own and taking a large sip of it.

"So..." Kurt said awkwardly.

"Tell me the truth Kurt, why did you leave me a year ago?" Blaine asked, turning to face his ex boyfriend. Kurt pursed his lips, lightly placing the beer on the table before turning to properly face Blaine for the first time since he looked up in the street to see him there.

"You have to believe me when I say I didn't want to leave. I didn't want to hide this from you, I swear." Kurt told him, tears in his eyes. "I had to though. I had no other choice. There were... Legal reasons that I left. I shouldn't be talking to you right now." Kurt told him honestly.

"Cut the crap, Hummel!" Blaine shouted, "You hurt me, you broke my heart. And now I run into you and I see you have a BABY? Did you cheat in me? Is that it? You found out you were pregnant and were full of guilt that you couldn't just man up and tell me, you had to run away to New York? Does he live here too? Is he gonna be home anytime soon?" Blaine asked, anger in his voice, hurt in his eyes. Kurt shook his eyes, horror in his eyes.

"What? NO! I didn't cheat on you, Blaine. I LOVED you, I still love you. You have no idea how hard it was to break up with you. I felt like I was dying. I didn't want to leave you, but I had no other choice. I promise, if there had been another option, I would've taken it." Kurt told Blaine, his eyes pleading. He needed Blaine to see he wasn't lying.

"Then explain it me, please. Help me understand what was happening back then. Did you find out you were pregnant and get scared I was gonna leave you so you broke it off? You know me better than that, Kurt. Or at least, I thought you did. I wouldn't have cared. I would've been so happy. If you Had just told me instead of running away I would've shown you how happy I would've been to have a family with you. We would've gotten through it together." Blaine told him, tears running down his face. "What's her name? What's my daughter's name?" Blaine asked in a small voice.

"Abigail Lillian Hummel." Kurt choked out. "She's gorgeous, just like her father. It's been so hard looking in her eyes after they changed from the blue that babies have when they're bone. It was like reliving all the pain I cost you. But when I had her, I knew I was going to be the best father I could ever be. I love her." Kurt told him.

"Abigail." Blaine breathed, a tear falling from his eyes. "Why didn't you just tell me about her?"

"I couldn't. Your parents found out, they met me at the door to your house when I went to go tell you and they told me you weren't home but that they wanted to talk to me..."


FILL [1c/?] Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink rainbows_9864 June 7 2012, 21:29:44 UTC
"It's alright, Mrs. Anderson. I'll just come by later when he's returned." Kurt told the woman in a kind voice.

"No, I insist," She responded, gesturing to the living room. "Me and my husband would love to talk to you." Kurt bit his lip. Blaine's parents had never really liked him and Kurt had spent many a time crying in Blaine's arms over it. And here they were welcoming him in to talk. He wouldnt let this opportunity go to waste.

"I guess I could speak for a moment." He told her politely, entering the house. She smiled at him, taking his jacket before leading him into the living room.

"Please sit," She told him, gesturing to the couch across from her and her husband. Kurt did as he was told and crossed his legs, resting a hand on his knees.

"So, you're probably wondering why we wanted to talk with you." Mr. Anderson grumbled. Kurt nodded, slowly. The man handed him a think envelope. Kurt gave him a confused look.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I understand what you're trying to say with this." Kurt told him truthfully. The envelope weighed quite a bit. It was unmarked, but was obviously full of something important if the size was any indication.

"Open it." The man insisted. Kurt noded quickly, doing as told once again, not wanting to upset his boyfriend's parents. Kurt's jaw dropped when he read the sheets that were in the envelope.

"What the hell?" Kurt breathed. "A restraining order against Blaine? A gag order? What the hell is this?" Kurt asked, looking up to the Anderson's. He was seeing them in a new light.

"We know about your little.... Condition... We will not have our son involved with... That. He has a bright future, you will not hold him back. And that is what you are to tell him with you break up with him." Mrs. Anderson told him.

"We will give you 24 hours until the restraining order is put in place. We will pay for your transportation to wherever it is you will go and help you with the payments for living, that is, if you keep up your end of the bargain."

"What is my end of the bargain?" Kurt asked, barely able to breath. His heart was torn, his stomach reeled at the thought of ripping his children away from their father before they ever met.

"You will not contact Blaine, ever. You will not breath a word of this restraining order or gag order to anyone. You are never to tell Blaine of the child, you will never speak of who the father of the child is. It was a one night stand and you had had too many to know which one was the father." Mrs. Anderson clarified. "I believe we are done now. 24 hours, or we'll call the authorities. When the job is done, We will set up a wire transfer for the money. Have a good day, Kurt." The woman told him before leaving the room. Kurt breathed out a staggering breath.
"I should've know they had something to do with this." Blaine growled when Kurt finished the story. "When I came home that day, crying my eye out from a broken heart, telling them you had broken up with me, they weren't even surprised, they didn't comfort me. All they said was 'maybe its for the better, Blaine'." He said, imitating his father's deep voice. "All I wanted was a hug from my mother and a 'it'll be okay, Blaine. Forget about him', but I didn't get that. And they knew the entire time. They knew I was a father and they never even told me." Blaine sobbed. Kurt reached out a hand, placing it on his ex's knee.

"For what it's worth, I didn't want to do it. It made me sick to think about Abigail growing up without knowing her amazing father. It killed me to think about what I'd say when she was finally was old enough to understand and ask all these questions about why our family was different than her friends." Kurt told him honestly. Blaine bit his lip.


FILL [1d/?] Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink rainbows_9864 June 7 2012, 21:31:17 UTC
(A/N: I hate the limits LJ has. That is all)

"I want to stay in her life." Blaine breathed. "I want to be there for her, watch her grow up. I've missed so much already." Kurt smiled.

"I would for you to be in her life, Blaine. I wouldn't keep you away from her now that you know. I can't keep you two away anymore. It hurts too much." Kurt told him.

"I have to go. I don't want you to get in trouble for with the restraining order. But I'll make some calls and get the orders repealed. Maybe I can get visitations with Abigail?" Blaine sounded so hopeful. Kurt smiled softly at him, nodding.

"I don't want my daughter to grow up without her father." Kurt whispered hoarsely. "Bye Blaine." Blaine bit his lip, standing up with a small wave before he left the apartment.


OP! Re: FILL [1d/?] Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink cherucaustic June 7 2012, 23:31:13 UTC
I just got home from a stressful day to see this and I'm loving it so far. Also her name is adorable!


Re: FILL [1d/?] Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink jackiebobby June 7 2012, 23:34:15 UTC


Re: FILL [1d/?] Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink smily888 July 1 2012, 13:52:10 UTC
I really hope this gets updated soon!


OP Re: FILL [1d/?] Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink cherucaustic July 18 2012, 05:59:32 UTC
Hi, lovely author! I just wanted to check in and see how things were going since it's been over a month. I know there's no update schedule or anything, just want to make sure things are alright with you. Still love the start of this, hope there's an update soon<3


AN Re: FILL [1d/?] Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink rainbows_9864 July 19 2012, 14:11:20 UTC
SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY!!!! I started this before school ended (I live in Canada, so school only finished the last week of June) then I started working fulltime during the summer on top of doing an online course and my laptop charger broke :( I promise this fic is NOT abandoned, I'm sorry for the long wait, but my day off from work this week is Friday so hopefully I will have more chapters to post then.


Re: AN Re: FILL [1d/?] Kurt/Blaine, mpreg, reunion!sex, bareback, any kink cherucaustic July 19 2012, 14:32:24 UTC
M'dear, there's no need to be sorry. I'm happy to hear you're okay. I promise that's what I'm more concerned with (I generally think the worst when authors stop doing things cause I'm paranoid). But I am happy to hear you'll be continuing this of course!


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