ashlee simpson TOMORROW!

Jul 19, 2004 19:20

well, i've been a big fat 15 year old for a whole day now. whoohoo. last night i was up pretty late i'm not too sure what time it was though...whenever happy days ended. it was probably around 3:00. anyway this morning my mom tried to wake me up at 9:30 to help her clean. i flat out refused. then she came in hollering and screaming "GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP AND HELP ME CLEAN! i've been out here busting my ass cleaning for the last hour while you slept!!!" so i got up and helped her clean then went back to sleep until susie called and woke me up at 1:00. so i just layed in bed then i heard them walk in the front door so i figured i should probably get up to let them know someone's home because i was the only one inside and everyone else was outside in the lake. so i got up and went out in the boat with everyone. my dad wakeboarded. tommy wakeboarded and he is so freakin awesome. then brian (susie's boyfriend) tried wakeboarding for the first time ever and he got up the first time and was crossing the wake and everything...pretty impressive. then we pulled susie and brian tubing. it was so funny. after we were all done in the lake we came inside and ate burgers. oh yeah, if you want to hear my weird dream about burgers, IM me. brian is so tall that he has to duck in our house to walk around. its funny. after we ate we watched southpark and then they left. but brian liked our house so much that he said they're coming back a few more times this week, haha it was funny. so now i'm just on the computer. sarah called me a little while ago to tell me she heard ryan cabrera on the radio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and she said she saw the psycho lesbian stalker again. then when we were getting off the phone and she goes "oh yeah happy belated birthday!" and i said "oh thanks because it was SO hard for you to call me yesterday?" so shes like "oh were you expecting me to call you?" and i said "sarah NO ONE called me" (my grandma, aunt, becky and chris called, but saying "no one" makes it so much more dramatic...but thanks you guys for calling!) so sarah's like "oh yeah it was your birthday!!! so THATS why you were so upset that no one was calling you!!! i get it now!" it was sooo funny. anyway, now i'm sitting here talking to my evil big brother who is going to send crickets to my house. haha just kidding hes not evil hes the best big brother ever! so yeah i'm going to go.
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